First post, second grow first photos, tips?

I got 3 girl scout cookies extreme from Ilgm currently just hit week 2 of flowering. First photo period grow, first one was unintentionally auto. Have been topping and supercropping here and there. It's a learning vibe, also first grow using a terp tea or myco in soil. I put two of them in 11gal containers to see how much I could fill this tent. The other one is a 5. Soil is just FFOF and a quarter part happy frog, and some perlite added. If you can think of any easy ways to have better yield or quality I would gladly absorb some info.



Well-Known Member
Get a nice net (scrog) for the plants to grow into, fill it then flip for a great yield with what you are working with mate

EDIT... Oops you've already flipped so yield will suffer.
Update before I head off to work. Plants are still thriving I felt like I was messing up with the first grow and I think it was I had been learning how to take care of a regular plant, and I had got auto seeds. I still yielded like 70 grams but it was airy and premature very cerebral no legs high.


Will post new pics soon when I can turn on flower light. I had an accident two days ago and the lighting fell!! It totally cleaved one nive branch off the larger plants, and split the main stem on the other plant too. Thank God for lst tape or growing tape whatever it's called. Starting to get nice little bud sites. I was devastated when the light fell but I have it set more secure now and added my other 100w led so now have 400w total.