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Active Member
Just figured I would introduce myself. I stumbled onto this site by accident, but it has rekindled my interest in growing a few plants, I am finding it harder and harder to get good weed and hate looking for it. So maybe growing is the solution. I have been researching a little bit on lighting and such, but I had a few questions. I would have to grow in a area 2'6" x 5' x 8' tall the height is broken up by a few shelves with the large area 5' tall with the aforementioned dimension. I was thinking I could use the upper areas for cloning on 24hr light with the main area for veg and flowering. My question is would you try two levels of short plants in 5' of height (SOG) or one level of bigger/taller plants? Is it a good idea to find a nice female and keep her in constant veg to pull clones off of or take clones off of lower branches just before flowering? Has anyone vented into the space separating floors? I was thinking 600w HPS for main area and flouros for clones. I would be on a bit of a budget but I really hate it when things don't work out right so I would be willing to drop some cash on good equipment to help ensure good results (its the engineer in me I guess). Would you recommend buying online for lights etc. (if so could someone recommend a good website) or from a store? Sorry for the long post, just figured I would try and get all of my questions out right away. Thanks for any help.



Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum and I see you have a plan. I do not recommend a 600watt or 400watt light for a closet, I recommend the t-5's. CHeck my thread. My current set up :Journal? VV


Well-Known Member
yes, welcome to the site! VV offers excellent advice and tips. i don't think you'll go wrong following his advice.

i will add a bit of my own advice for you to consider. I was in the same boat you are and would recommend that, if you can, purchase a good amount of smoke (enough to last four or five months) and you'll be a MUCH happier grower! i say that cause you won't be tempted to take short cuts, get overly anxious/nervous and won't be hurrying things a long that you won't enjoy your grow and wind up with a bad end product.


Active Member
i'm new to this site as well, but it's great and you can find out anything you need to about about growing, including the sites own growfaq which has all the information you need too. oh, and my grow space dimensions are almost exactly the same as yours and im on my first grow, and i've my plant 16" tall in just under a month. tommorow will be it's first full month of existing. enjoy


Well-Known Member
That is an excellent price too a point. Research done by experts has shown that the best for our kinda plants is 1/2 red, 1/2 blue. They may show the same thiong with blue and maybe a mixed one. In not you would be wise to purhase 4 blue, around $50.00 more. I paid $340.00 so you still have a good prce. Im sure they would work with you on this. VV