First Posted Grow: Eva Female Veneno, Nirvana White Rhino, and DNA Rocklock


Well-Known Member
Me neither smack those bitches and tell em to turn amber already and to swell more or you will back hand them again:-) aka blast the fuck out of them with more light go get CFL and clamp work lights Ysocket adapters and a couple 42 watt 2700K CFL you can get all these at lowes and each single light setup would run you like $25 10 for the work light and 10-15 for the bulb put 3 or so in for side light and they'll listen;-)


Well-Known Member
Hell yea slim. If I can't upgrade to the 400 ill be supplementing cfls the next grow. If they don't hurry the fuck up they're gonna die from a koolbloom od :) but they're close. They keep packin bud on so I can wait lol


Well-Known Member
Well guys here with a semi-update. No pics tho, sorry bout that. I put the plants in 48 hours of dark today at 4 PM. Judgin by the trichs I believe they'll be perfect for choppin monday. Excited ill be smokin some homegrown killa in a few wks bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Wassup everybody!? Hope yall r havin a good Thursday. The weeks almost up, we've almost made it. I was just chillin and decided I'd do an update. I should wait till saturday as usual but fuck it. Let's start with the skunk. This bitch is blowin up since I hit her with the koolbloom. She's gonna have 4 or 5 real good buds on it. Most the trichs on her are cloudy so I figure maybe a few more days. If she keeps packin on weight ill be HAPPY
AND THIS is my crown jewel of the 2. Veneno (poison) she keeps packing on the bud and man is it hard not to just pick off one lil bud. For ANYONE reading, yall have got to try this strain. If anyone with a 4 or 600 grow it please let me kno cause I guarantee shell throw the buds.

I'm very late for the show.... but I'm glad I got to see these!!!! well worth a deserved bump. looking forward to seeing some harvest pics!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stoppin by stoney. I'm happy u like what u c :) I believe this veneno is gonna be the best tasting stuff I've had. It'll be hard to be the skunk tho, I kno its awesome. I intend on trimming and posting harvest pics monday so be sure to stop back by.

Chicago Gooner

Active Member
I've tried Veneno like I said, unfortunately it was a third strain I've smoked tonight so I can't really tell but I'm rocking all together... Most likely from the AK-48 I've smoked (what a fabulous stuff!!), I'll be testing it sober tomorrow. Anyhow, Veneno is looking and smelling phenomenal in the jars, two more weeks... :D


Well-Known Member
Hell yea bro. I clipped off a branch on the bottom Thursday and just hung it for 3 days and smoked it. It was a decent high on it but the taste was awesome. I hope with a proper dry and cure it'll be a little better (I'm sure it will)


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, hope yall had a great/green wkend. Well I was sittin at the house tonight bored after supper. Smoked a bowl of some mids, got ripped and decided to rough trim the 2 ladies. Still in pots for another day but I figured wth. Just trimmed the fan leaves and most of the bigger foliage, saving sugar leaves and hanging for tomorrow with pics to go with. I don't think ill hit my 2 oz a plant target but I figure ill get maybe close to 3 in all. Still can't wait to show u all. But I gotta crash for tonight 5 comes quick. :finger: 5 am :finger:


Well-Known Member
Dang no replies :( my boy mazand likes it tho so its straight. Here's the deal, me and a few of my buddies r having a good ol southern fish/frog leg fry this evening. So I'm gonna get ripped, pig out, then ill be home to post pics and finish my trim :) its the most wonderful and sad time of the grow. I feel emotionally attached to my plants. But soon well connect on a whole other level :) check back in around 5-6 hours guys. Peace


Well-Known Member
I'm very interested in seeing your setup and white rhino, because that's what I'm going to be growing :)


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha never had frog before i like dead pigs and cows:-) Bro they look amazing but KEEP that trim my man that your HASH and it also makes for not so bad joints or butter fuck man thats gold right there i just got done smoking a trim joint myself from my last harvest works good for my f'd up back so like swelling and even better for edibles. Let me know how everything went buddy and what do you have planed for next go around? My green house white widow popped just waiting a couple more days till i plant her:-)


Well-Known Member
I'm very interested in seeing your setup and white rhino, because that's what I'm going to be growing :)
I can shoot u some pics if ud like bro. I haven't made a thread on it cause its a reg seed so it may be male. My setup is super simple.