First "real" grow...DoinIt2Gether and doin it right (hopefully)


Active Member
awww, thanks bill!

Mine have been drying for about 3 weeks now, like I said earlier I planted 2 more autos today, so I guess we'll see if 3 weeks was enough!


Active Member
Bad news for me! Remember the skunk (violet) that I had to bend while moving? Well, we taped it back up and thought it was fine, and then last night the top fell off, it fell off, it fell the fuck off (Ron White) LOL so now the only part that can continue to grow is the little fluffy shit at the bottom :( So I'll guess I'll b smokin some early skunk soon LOL.


Active Member

The first pic is a pic of my new veg area. It obviously needs more lights, but seeing how nothing has come up yet I don't know how important that is at this point...any opinions?

The second one is my makeshift cloning area, its on top of my veg area. I'm hoping the warmth from the lights underneath will keep the bottom of the clone tray slightly warm...maybe.

Last but not least is the closet I am currently using for flowering. The one in the middle is the mid, left is the half of skunk, and right is the same type of mid with a funny growth pattern.


Well-Known Member
Just a recommendation, you might wanna get some sort of material to cover those walls with. Either some white paint, panda film, or some mylar :)

Silent Running

Active Member
Looks like you have some nice space to work with. I agree with Bill about the white paint or other stuff. Even the white project board, like what is used in science fair projects, would work in a pinch.


Active Member
I have a big ass roll of mylar, I just need to find the time...I have plenty, but I cant do it by myself without fuckin the mylar all up and my caregiver is working almost 80 hours a week right now. I'm hopin to have it up in the next week. Moving though, theres still so much to do...hell, the old house isnt even empty yet! LOL!


Well-Known Member
Not a single survivor, looks like someone took a hammer to them or a mail sorter, once of the two. Walgreens or CVS or something like that sells the bubble envelopes for like 99 cents. :-)

Silent Running

Active Member
Just got an early Christmas present here. Wondered why the mail man actually hand delivered it until he told me there was postage due because it had a priority address label but only three stamps on it. Bill got a present that had 2 survivors out of like 8...but that was a non bubble envelope that the mail sorter (machine) had fun with.

Silent Running

Active Member
Wait wait wait, so the mail-man charged you from Santa's Bubble Envelope package?!
Yep. The difference of 3 forever stamps vs. priority mail. When a priority shipping label is used, they treat the package like priority mail and charge that rate. At least they did here. No biggy though.

Silent Running

Active Member
Well I apologize! What was the damage? I'm really sorry! Anyone else have that issue?
Bah, as I biggy. Don't even fret about it. I was still like a kid on Christmas. Now if I can remember what they You guys are going to force me to have to build another DWC. lol