First "real" grow...DoinIt2Gether and doin it right (hopefully)


Active Member
I was checking out the bottle of insecticidal soap, and it turns out it is organic! The bottle says it can be used up till the last week of flower! So here's the pics, and good luck!:mrgreen:

Well, I can't get the pics to load, so I'm gonna post this one and try again.


Active Member
I just went out and did measurements in the veg room. The little skunk that could (LOL) is at 5 1/2 inches now, I'm so proud! The little female auto is only 3 inches but looking very good, with massive amounts of hairs for her size. The mid that I topped measures 13 inches across, it's also looking very nice, as is the auto that had the mites, which is now growing fast and is currently at 4 inches. Not the best I admit, but more than I was hoping for two weeks ago!


Active Member
I put the second mid (the topped one) into flower this morning, but I took a cutting first just in case it turns out to be a girl. I think it will...just cause I want it to be LOL. The other mid is 10 days in and still no sign of sex as of this morning.

I transplanted the skunk I have in soil into a bigger pot last night. Apparently cloning in a bubbler is not a great idea...all three of my WW clones are dead :( I will be planting at least 2 more skunks tonight to take their place. I still have the WW mom though, so I'll just keep trying different methods until I find the one that works the best for me.

I am hoping to see some sex on my other two autos soon also. The other ones showed sex at 26 days, and these are at 26 days they should be dropping their drawers anytime. I'll let ya'll know when they do!


Active Member
Thanks Bill. Every mistake is just another chance to learn something new. I have to look at it that way or I'd spend most of my time kicking my own ass LOL


Well-Known Member
Still nothing?? Me neither. Same old. Looks like the growth kicked back up a little but no balls or vag hairs, lol. Anything new over here?


Active Member
Not yet...growth seems to have picked back up for me too, but no hairs or balls yet... at least we have someone to commiserate with LOL I'm going to go out and check them again first thing in the morning, so there will be an update on here by 8 or 9 am. Here's to hoping!


Well-Known Member
ha ha obsessed much?? lol me too. It's nice to have someone going through this with me, lol unfortunately for us bith of course.


Active Member
LOL MK! Looks like my obsession is alright after all though...I FOUND SEX TODAY!!!! It's a girl, and I'm fuckin geeked! She measures 16 1/2 inches tall, thats 3 inches in 11 that good?


Active Member
She is about 8 weeks old now. About 6 1/2 weeks in veg and a little over a week in flower. Its nothing special, just mids. I had some temperature issues at the beginning and that stunted her growth pretty bad...she seems to be bouncing back well though. Plus I didn't flower her till she hit 13 inches cuz I wanted a 2 to 3 foot plant to best utilize the space I'm working in.


Well-Known Member
Awesome!!!!!! Im hoping I STAY on the same page as you and have some hairs when I get to mine today.


Well-Known Member
I figured I would stop by since you seem to be neither of the following:

a fuck tard
a bitch
a know it all, who isn't open to anyone else's opinions.

that being said! :D

Congrats on finding vag hairs!!


Active Member
Wow, thanks, and remind me not to piss you off LOL. I was one happy little girl when I discovered I'm NOT the only girl in the house LOL


Well-Known Member
ha ha natty's not so bad just dont say dumb shit around him. lol

Still no hairs for me :-(

Took some pics of the nodes stop by let me know your guesses.


Active Member
Just wanted to let you all know that I checked out the auto that I have outside (I've named her Destiny) and I have 3 little tiny hairs! This is a wonderful day for D2G! Hey MK, I'm on my way!