No prob. She is a melter, rest assured. You might not even like it at first. If you wanna fuck with her and make her even nastier, for the last week she is growing, get your RH down as low as possible (20% or lower if possible) and give her really cold water to drink. I wont tell you what will happen, you will have to just wait and see. It wont piss you off is all I will say.
For checking the trics, just get a cheap scope from any grow shop online or ebay. If you have a good camera on your phone, you can use that too and just zoom in. The trics on LSD were fucking huge every time I grew her and were pretty easy to tell that she was done. LSD is pretty fast and predictable. I just cut her down week 9 every time and she was perfect, but I do that with a lot of strains that I have grow several times. Channel + is a super fast strain. I had one finish in 7.5 weeks with 4.5 zips. I cut them down at week 8 every time without checking and they are also perfect. You will get to a point where you don;t use the scope much and just rely on your experience. For example, they will stop drinking when they are done so it is common for me to watch the tops of the pots to see which plants are still wet three days after I watered them. If you are around week 8-9 and they soil is wet three days after watering, cut that fucker down, she is done.