first run off done but was it right thing to do


posted some pictures up last night off my plants with colour difishences...plants are 3 week into veg
some have tip burn with the claw
was told to do a run off useing a ph level of 6,5 - 7,0 useing 2-3 gallons of warter for each plant (im growing in soil)
done the run off today useing 10 liter of warter for each plant with a ph of 6,5
logged on to night to find some 1 has posted me saying the run off would be a waist of time and cause more damage than good
can some 1 tell me if ive done the right thing...the last warter i gave them wen i was doin the run off had small amount of veg nuites and teaspoon of hydrgen peroxide
that i was also told to use...have i done right ??????????
heres some pics if some 1 can help....first grow so im taking all the advise i get...if its good advise i dont no
last picture is the coluor of the warter from the run off from 1 plant
temp is at 74- 76 with humidaty at 45-55 this sound right?????????




My last picture shows the colour of the run off...looked at my plants
this morning and the leafs are all drooping down since the run off...
is this normall...will they recover?????


Well-Known Member
how are you determining when to water? how much water do you normally give each plant each time you water? what nutrients do you have and how much nutrients did you add to how much water? Tbh it looks like a nitrogen def. to me.


I warter them with 200mill of warter every time the top 2inch of soil is ppm with nutes is 0.8 - 1.0 at the minit


Well-Known Member
when you water make sure your soil is evenly moist throughout and water the sides of the pot too. here is a guide on when to water, i did not write the guide.

[h=1]What is the "lift the pot" method?[/h]Added by: 10k

The "lift the pot" method is a widely practiced, and very accurate method of knowing when to water your container plants.

The best way imho, to know when soil grown potted plants need more watering is by checking how heavy the pots feel. This method is very simple to learn once you get the feel for how light a ready for watering pot of soil feels.

Get an equal size pot and fill it with your soil. The medium should be about as moist as a new bag of potting soil. Use this planter as a learning tool to get a rough idea of how much the pots should weigh before watering again. The pots with your plants will feel only just slightly heavier when the soil is ready for more water. Pick up one of your planted pots, if its noticably heavy, do not water it until it feels "light". Next time you water a planter, pick it up and feel how much heavier it feels compared to the sample pot of soil.

It only takes a few times picking up the pots until this skill is like a "second nature" to you. You wont even need the sample pot after you get accustomed to the lifting method.

Sure your plants are always putting on more weight as they grow larger, but once you're proficient at lifting the pots, you'll also know how to compensate for the weight of the plants with ease.

I dont know how to better explain this method of knowing when to water, but believe me, anyone who learns this method, will always know when its time to water.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
A foliar feed can be useful when you do a flush, mix a solution at 25% of your feeding strength, spray the underside of the leaves (away from the light) with a fine mist