Well-Known Member
So I went and got an extra bag of roots organic soil, some nutes, and new pump today for my homemade aero cloner since I thought my old one was broken. He told me I should try and take the impeller out of my 'broken' one and clean it. I got home and took the impeller out and it was clean as new. So I put it back in and gave it a few spins by hand then tested it in the sink and sure enough, it works. So I called the guy thanking him for his suggestion and asked if I could return the new pump I just bought since it is unopened. He said "Some way to say thanks. Yeah, I guess I could do that." I think I'm just gonna end up keeping the new pump so I have a back up plus if I want to make another aero or hydro system I now have the option as well. The nutrient I bought was General Hydroponics Flora Nova Bloom to feed the ladies with. A lot of leaves are curling up a bit and have blackish/brown spots on them and are losing green as if the plant is taking nutrients from the leaves for the buds. That's what I'm assuming any ways. So I just fed them a little under regular strength just to get them used to it. Hopefully that will stop all the naughty looking leaves from looking naughty. Everything is starting to resin up real good. I'm excited to see if these nutes help pack on the buds, I'm sure they will, if nothing, they might keep the plants alive for a little longer.