First run with the new room!

Really I’ve never had anything chunky I know the rep and would easily link you up definitely is fire and I like to support local if I ran anything else would be jacks just because I have scene so many people use jacks with great success and for the price is really cheap just have to weight it all up then mix but I definitely like it excited to see how next run turns out u look like u had a good harvest u ran the full line secret sauce recipe?
Not really chunky, but there was flakes of red in the Ruby ful, and the autumn gold had sediment that seemed to be left in the reservoir even with a mixing pump. But this is definitely the frostiest weed I've grown so far. So I can excuse the flakes/sediment. yes, I was running the full secret sauce, and I am very happy with the harvest. I'm going to run the same nutrients and see if I can dial in other factors more this next run to try to improve. I've heard good things, and seen good things from Jack's as well, but my local shop doesn't carry it and I like shopping there. Maybe if the hydro shop starts carrying Jack's or new millennium's one part powder, then I'll try those.
Love seeing people who share (from what I’m seeing) my sentiment about making the most out of the space available. Did you do any defoliation along the way (specifically do you subscribe to the day 21/ day 42 pluck?)

I’m saying right if people put the egos aside and everybody just got together bounce ideas off one another are we in it in the first place to grow the best possible medicine I mean personally I’m not in it for money I’m in it to grow the best possible medicine and even get to the point where I’m confident enough to start my own strains I mean I’m trying to have the best medicine in the world and share with all who I can sounds kind of cheesy but fuck that’s how I’m living I’m in my own little bubble this is the only social media I’m on is this and from what I gather everyone here seems to be very helpful for the most part
Especially @fragileassassin @Renfro @Budzbuddha @MickFoster @Snob Fuck many more i’m sure but like I said all in all I think everyone’s in it for the same common goal the best possible medicine in the world I mean people say you can never feel like you did the first time you got high people say that you can’t have that laughing giggling raiding the cabin high Fall asleep out of nowhere with food in your beard Na I don’t believe it that medicines out there And everyone deserves to have it just wish I could smoke one with bob and vibe out it’s saved my life personally And I’m very appreciative if I’m in the position now to be able to grow I feel very blessed
@Renfro i feel it I don’t think I’m ever going to grow on a large enough scale that the money would matter and make a difference unless I was making more than 100K Off flips
When I started growing in 1989 it was so I could have good weed. Back then we were lucky if we could find over priced brick weed, lots of time spent looking for a good sack. When I did my first closet run I quickly found that all my friends were handing me cash to take a little home with them. It was at that time that I decided I needed to grow more weed. Never looked back. Had a few jobs over the years but haven't been a indentured servant since 1999. Do something you love for a living and never work a day in your life. Well thats not quite true but it's sure better than going to work to make someone else rich and have them bitch whine and moan when you are late for work because you car broke down and they don't pay you enough to fix it. I just decided that growing weed was what I was meant to do.
When I started growing in 1989 it was so I could have good weed. Back then we were lucky if we could find over priced brick weed, lots of time spent looking for a good sack. When I did my first closet run I quickly found that all my friends were handing me cash to take a little home with them. It was at that time that I decided I needed to grow more weed. Never looked back. Had a few jobs over the years but haven't been a indentured servant since 1999. Do something you love for a living and never work a day in your life. Well thats not quite true but it's sure better than going to work to make someone else rich and have them bitch whine and moan when you are late for work because you car broke down and they don't pay you enough to fix it. I just decided that growing weed was what I was meant to do.
Facts brother I love it was born in 87 definitely have vast amounts of knowledge of this plant and always appreciate u taking time out sir
Definitely did notice that tho right on man glad it did u well how u like the green sensation?
Green sensation is expensive, but I liked the results with it. Wish I could do a side by side, one side with it, one side without, or one side with it the other with a different pk booster, bloom stimulator, and enzyme. But by the time I get all three of those products it might be about the same amount of input money. Side by sides are too much work for me though.
Love seeing people who share (from what I’m seeing) my sentiment about making the most out of the space available. Did you do any defoliation along the way (specifically do you subscribe to the day 21/ day 42 pluck?)
I trimed the bottoms up right before flower started quite a bit, there's a picture early in the thread. and right after flowers set I cleaned a bit more out of the bottom. I should have plucked more dead/dying leaves along the way though. I don't take healthy fan leaves from the tops though.
I’m saying right if people put the egos aside and everybody just got together bounce ideas off one another are we in it in the first place to grow the best possible medicine I mean personally I’m not in it for money I’m in it to grow the best possible medicine and even get to the point where I’m confident enough to start my own strains I mean I’m trying to have the best medicine in the world and share with all who I can sounds kind of cheesy but fuck that’s how I’m living I’m in my own little bubble this is the only social media I’m on is this and from what I gather everyone here seems to be very helpful for the most part
Word up, this is my only social media too. I'm in it to try and grow the best I possibly can for my own consumption and try to get the most money I can out of it.
Did you use carbonaria as well? I just finished a run with new millennium and it doesn't show carbonaria as one of the products they carry anymore on the website.
Did you use carbonaria as well? I just finished a run with new millennium and it doesn't show carbonaria as one of the products they carry anymore on the website.
Yeah, the carb o naria is my favorite product of theirs, it's the first one I ever used. It's the only all organic one. It makes a kick ass microbe food in worm casting/compost teas. I used to run all organics but I wanted to try something new for this run. Eventually I'd like to do an organic run in this room.