First Sativa Dominant Grow, in a 5 x 5 Foot Tent How Many Should I Grow?

My next grow will be all salitva dominant grow, mostly 90/10 mixes. In a 5' x 5' x 7.5' tent with a 1000 watt air cooled hood. I want to also do a SCROG to control height and hopefully get a nice even cannopy. How many plants/what size pots would you suggest. I tend to like to do fewer plants and flower a little sooner, is there a minimum suggest veg time for sativas? I've never used a screen or grown mostly sativa so help would be appreciated.

Thank you


Active Member
View attachment 16040925x5x 7.5 hmm. thats about the dimensions Im running with a mover at the moment. Im thinking about 16-20 and flip em to flower around 24-30 inches. I had a lot going on at once, hence so many nute totes. At 30+ plants, that area was getting a little crowded. I usually flipped em to flower at about their 4-6th leafset. My light doesnt quite go past 4ft wide, but it can move a 6' path with the 1000w, really well. If you like less plants, youll have to bend em over and lst. I was using about 3/4 a gallon of hydraton for these ladies. It just seemed easier for me to handle penetration, lenght of cycle, height and air movement, to keep em shorter than about 50" at finish. They dont quite double in flower, but sometimes close to it. No worries, the more room you give em, the more theyll take. Number of plants doesnt matter so much as use of lighted area. Id say a minimum of 1 month, or three leafsets before flower. Ive flipped 2" ladies and ended up with a joint. Best of luck to ya!


Well-Known Member
in a 5 x 5, i would suggest doing 9 plants... 3 rows of 3. You could have medium size plants and 9 plants is easy to manage. you could easily get 1 1/2 to 2oz per plant.... Im currrently in a 6.5 x 7 x 7, and im doing 12 plants 3 rows of 4....I vegged to long and it got a little crowded, I would vegg for maybe a month after germination, or if they're clones just vegg around 30 days, and the flip to 12/12.
i will probably get 3-4 oz per plant, but im battling a small case of powdery mildew because of such crowding.

here check out my current grow...