First Season Here


Well-Known Member
Hello guys and gals, this is my first year here but NOT my first year growing. I am an outdoor grower and since I only get one shot at it per year, i need to get 2lbs + to last all year. So i tend to grow lots of plants.

I am from a small farming/timber town at 41 latitude so I get a decent season for Indicas but sativas dont do well here. As such I tend to stick with White Widow/Northern Lights/Aurura/Morocs for a sucsesfull harvest.

I use home made compsot of gardening/lawn clippings with horse shit and coffee grounds . Very nice canna mix IMO.

Hope to contribute and recieve lots of knowledge. See yas around.:peace:
i only got one plant atm thats a month old and just read about using coffee gounds, so i decided to sprinkle some on the top soil and see if theres any noticable difference. From your experience how much is too much and how little is too little? thanks in advance!
i just noticed your right next to me gypsy! :D we have the same climate pretty much unless ur further up north in the mountains. How Close to Philly are you?