First Set Of Fan Leaves Drooping


Active Member
Hey guys just want to ask if there is any particular reason for this? I have 3 seedlings and only one of them, the first set of fan leaves are drooping at a 90 degree angle straight down. The seedling is 3 nodes high and only the lowest set are drooping. They are not root bound I might add.

They been like that for 3 days since last watering.

Any ideas?
^^^My Thoughts^^^
I learned early on all plants eat/drink a rch different.
Don't water till the pot feels light.
I agree, this problem (leaves that fold down to the stem) is a classic sign of over-watering. Like Yoda says, wait until the pot is light (all or very close to all dry). After time, you'll get the feel for your pot weight and you'll just know by default :)

If the leaves are not yellowing, I would recommend against feeding any extra nitrogen as recommended above.

Yeh I have been waiting until the pot is light. Im watering every 3-4 days when needed. Its only on one plant and its only the first 2 leaves at the bottom. The pots were really dry this morning so I just gave them a water about half hour ago. Can over-watering or underwatering cause a droop on 'ONLY' the lowest leaves? Wouldnt they all droop for over/under watering?
Yeh I have been waiting until the pot is light. Im watering every 3-4 days when needed. Its only on one plant and its only the first 2 leaves at the bottom. The pots were really dry this morning so I just gave them a water about half hour ago. Can over-watering or underwatering cause a droop on 'ONLY' the lowest leaves? Wouldnt they all droop for over/under watering?
Hey mate , I have exactly the same problem, perfectly healthy looking plant , vegetative stage, plenty of leaves , good colour , but the first set of fan leaves that came out , which are big now, are drooping ! I have no idea why, could be overwatering , but it’s rooting beautifully , god knows, just hope they pick up!