first shot at organic soil.

why cant you send a private message. You pussy? I'm not calling you a name I'm asking a question.
off topic!

Kamrade you just called me a pussy....(BANG BANG!!)
and 'we' can't Pm you cause your profile is locked,
thats what Ive been trying to advise these past months
thank you "V"
Sometimes you gotta cut your loses before you cost yourself more money.
or simply do your own due diligence prior to playing in the dirt.
sorry for being the ass, but why buy stuff and then ask how to use it, or if you should?
whats the damn point of this site if all the people screw up and THEN ask you how to fix it.
Heres a novel idea, go and research it BEFORE.
Pardon my un-friendliness, normally I wouldn't say anything rude like that, i'm a bit of a pacifist, we have enough assholes here, but holy crap, it seems like its getting more and more worse.
all it is doing is driving the experienced growers away, who has the time to repeat themselves over and over, when the information is right there, in the sticky's for gods sake
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Ok folks, i just recently mixed up some super soil and me smoking while mixing messed up. I added super phosphate 0-45-0 at a rate of 2cups for 3 bags of soil. I put the box down and didnt even realize that was the second time i added phosphate in. Now i have added 4 cups. I added the # and its 20-90-9. Is the a way i can correct this mistake? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I do see that this is your first "organic" grow, so I apologize for being a lil rude, however i'm not editing what I said, because I honestly think it's something people overlook somehow.
If you want to grow organically, you need to start over, the microbial population won't survive much with all the chems in the soil, microbes are your number one friend.
I have one piece of advice, and again, I don't want to sound like an asshole, but EVERYTHING you need is in the sticky section of the organic part of this forum, don't let the large amount of posts/pages of the stickys' intimidate you, you'll learn a BUNCH just by reading the first couple pages of each one.
The ROLS thread.
the organic 101 thread
the soil web thread
something you ought to know thread
read them all, and you will be on your way.
I apologize for being rude.
the more time you spend reading those, the more you will be competent at organics/natural growing.
off topic!

Kamrade you just called me a pussy....(BANG BANG!!)
and 'we' can't Pm you cause your profile is locked,
thats what Ive been trying to advise these past months
thank you "V"
everyone else can pm me just fine I don't know why you cant figure it out.
or simply do your own due diligence prior to playing in the dirt.
sorry for being the ass, but why buy stuff and then ask how to use it, or if you should?
whats the damn point of this site if all the people screw up and THEN ask you how to fix it.
Heres a novel idea, go and research it BEFORE.
Pardon my un-friendliness, normally I wouldn't say anything rude like that, i'm a bit of a pacifist, we have enough assholes here, but holy crap, it seems like its getting more and more worse.
all it is doing is driving the experienced growers away, who has the time to repeat themselves over and over, when the information is right there, in the sticky's for gods sake
I do see that this is your first "organic" grow, so I apologize for being a lil rude, however i'm not editing what I said, because I honestly think it's something people overlook somehow.
If you want to grow organically, you need to start over, the microbial population won't survive much with all the chems in the soil, microbes are your number one friend.
I have one piece of advice, and again, I don't want to sound like an asshole, but EVERYTHING you need is in the sticky section of the organic part of this forum, don't let the large amount of posts/pages of the stickys' intimidate you, you'll learn a BUNCH just by reading the first couple pages of each one.
The ROLS thread.
the organic 101 thread
the soil web thread
something you ought to know thread
read them all, and you will be on your way.
I apologize for being rude.
the more time you spend reading those, the more you will be competent at organics/natural growing.
no harm done guys! its cool man...I started a new batch without that crap. im new to the organic game so I have much to learn. ive been doing the undercurrent and never looked back. I felt that if I really want to be good at growing this wonderful plant I will eventually have to grow them organically. I always crush it with the UC, but im getting bored of it cuz its to easy. I need to keep busy! my avatar pics is of one of my UC runs. I really do appreciate you guys taking the time to reply and giving me a lil I used some bone meal, blood meal, garden lime rock phosphate kelp meal,earthworm casting, perlite with a lil bulb food. 8tbls of each to 10gl of base soil, 1gl of EWC, 16tbls of lime they didn't have any azomite. I will be running CG OGCHEM which is always hungry. this looks better 18-23-14 than the disaster that I made before.
no harm done guys! its cool man...I started a new batch without that crap. im new to the organic game so I have much to learn. ive been doing the undercurrent and never looked back. I felt that if I really want to be good at growing this wonderful plant I will eventually have to grow them organically. I always crush it with the UC, but im getting bored of it cuz its to easy. I need to keep busy! my avatar pics is of one of my UC runs. I really do appreciate you guys taking the time to reply and giving me a lil I used some bone meal, blood meal, garden lime rock phosphate kelp meal,earthworm casting, perlite with a lil bulb food. 8tbls of each to 10gl of base soil, 1gl of EWC, 16tbls of lime they didn't have any azomite. I will be running CG OGCHEM which is always hungry. this looks better 18-23-14 than the disaster that I made before.
that's a lot of lime, whats in your base soil?
And im glad you took my grumpy criticism ok.
I'm normally in a better mood.
You'll do much better with a lower amount of nutrients, 18-23-14 is too much.
remember organics is totally different than hydro, in hydro you can do that, but not in organics.
an even npk is better when it comes to natural growing.
Also keep in mind that if you kick ass at hydro, you'll probably be chapped on your first organic grow, it's a lil harder to master, but once you get it down, you'll wish you changed yrs ago
also might want a higher amount of either compost or worm castings, you want closer to at least 10% of your total soil, some go as high as 33%.
that's a lot of lime, whats in your base soil?
And im glad you took my grumpy criticism ok.
I'm normally in a better mood.
You'll do much better with a lower amount of nutrients, 18-23-14 is too much.
remember organics is totally different than hydro, in hydro you can do that, but not in organics.
an even npk is better when it comes to natural growing.
Also keep in mind that if you kick ass at hydro, you'll probably be chapped on your first organic grow, it's a lil harder to master, but once you get it down, you'll wish you changed yrs ago
also might want a higher amount of either compost or worm castings, you want closer to at least 10% of your total soil, some go as high as 33%.
I have 2 extra bags of base soil. should I add another bag to the mix?
I have yet to start the cooking process.

thanks for your time sir:)
I use 1 bale of promix 1 bag of EWC 1 40lb bag of sunleaves grow rocks 8lb bag of espoma plant tone or bio starter 4lb bag of blood meal 4lb bag of bone meal 1 bag of composted steer manure 1/2 bag of mushroom compost 4lb bag of kelp 1 cup of dolomite lime 1 cup of super phosphate.
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or simply do your own due diligence prior to playing in the dirt.
sorry for being the ass, but why buy stuff and then ask how to use it, or if you should?
whats the damn point of this site if all the people screw up and THEN ask you how to fix it.
Heres a novel idea, go and research it BEFORE.
Pardon my un-friendliness, normally I wouldn't say anything rude like that, i'm a bit of a pacifist, we have enough assholes here, but holy crap, it seems like its getting more and more worse.
all it is doing is driving the experienced growers away, who has the time to repeat themselves over and over, when the information is right there, in the sticky's for gods sake

True dat! I spent months reading before I spent a dime on anything (except the GO box d'oh!). Teaming with Microbes should be required reading before anyone even thinks about building an organic soil IMO.
Organics is only hard because you dont really grow plants you are growing soil and the plants just live there. make sense? Never had a plant od from cow manure. I do know people that just grow in cow manure alone and their plants look just fine.