First sign of spider mites what do i use??


Well-Known Member
So i went out to check on my ladies today i found one plant right in the middle of my hedge showing spider mite damage after further inspection i found some small webs on the lower branches so i removed a lot of the infested branches and leafs and sprayed seven hoping it would slow them down from spreading thought the rest of my hedge untill i get a better mite killer

what does everyone recommend for mite control outside??

here are a few pics of my hedge

1 (2).jpg1 (7).jpg1 (17).jpg

here is a leaf off the infested plant


thank you in advance for saving my hedge....


Well-Known Member
I used Organocide 3 in 1 spray. seemed to work good with only one spray. don't have any bugs at all now. I did spray twice with neam oil before I used this stuff. Nice little patch you got going.


Well-Known Member
If your looking for some good snake oil to get rid of those spider mites try Mighty like a charm....just don't be lazy and get under every leaf......


Active Member
i think youll be fine without treating them. let nature take its course and build up beneficial insects to kill off the mights. introduce lady bugs, mantids, etc... if really necessary


Active Member
Captain Jacks Deadbug Brew...sold at nurseries...kills caterpillars, grasshoppers, mites...certified organic up to 7-10 days before harvest on herbaceous plants such as cannabis
neem oil and save organicide for the fungal problems. but organocide is fairly decent u could just use that and roll the dice. idk much about azamax


Active Member
Guys , MIGHTY WASH !!!! Try and get a atomizer (borrow or rent one) ! Drench each plant individually , bottom to top AND back down . After the last one I rinse with a solution of filtered water STACK and "Killer tea" from my sprayer . Grab the stems and shake off the excess . Check the next day with a 30 power scope . If you see any mites or eggs (if you don't know what the eggs look like get a picture on line ) If you see either, hit em again to top and down . 5 days later check again with the scope . This stuff WORKS ! If it doesn't work for you , you didn't do it right ! I had a bad problem and DIDN"T have to chop my girls like some have suggested ! I am mite free but always checking


Well-Known Member
Yeah mighty wash does work fo sho! anybody have a link to a decent electric atomizer sprayer @ an affordable price??