First simple outdoor +rep


Active Member
Ok so say someone thoretically dug a hole (3.2'x2'x1'..phew) in the middle of a sunny nowhere and added .. yes i know ew ( Miracle grow potting soil) (free) to this artifical grow area. How many plants would fit nicely in this space? Im attempting to get 6.. is that pushing it? I know a rule of thumb is 6" squared per. so it will be pushing it. Of corse adding more space is an option but id rather not mix too much shitty clay soil in.

Yes i know its starting way late but oh well, maybe they will get lucky and let them in later then usual pending good weather.

A few questions and Plus rep to anyone who can help. Some more info, these are only bag seed. The bagseed is started in peat pods and i will wait to see roots to transplant. I figure they wont be lit indoor to get them in the real sun ASAP since the season is running short in Eastern USA.. Only around 4+ months left (i think)ouch...

1. Any advice to harden off to be ready for sun?
2. Since there are only 4+ months left and MG has 3month nutes should i be very careful with foxfarm bloom nute? figure i wont hit with any veg nutes
3. or is that a mistake?
4. Will this be enough time, and how many can i fit in this space and is it deep enough ( harder clay soil undernear ew)?
5. How packed does the MG soil have to be? Packed hard or light and fluffy?
6. What about soluables foxfarms like beatiebloomz, chaching, and open seseme?
7. Anything else you think would be useful
Oh and i have no idea, how often are these to be watered at the most extreme possible , as they are not easily accessible more than once a week or more, and what time of day is best for watering? Also what kind of "natural or organic" sprays can i use to keep bugs from eating these puppies to sheads.. i pissed near the area to keep deer out. Someone actually mentioned leaving hair, DUH YOUR HAIR HAS DNA lol...
you might be able to fit them all in a hole that size, since your starting late they wont get to big and youll have to kill the males also...if its real hot maybe try putting the seedlings in the sun half the day then the other half of the day in the shade for a few days to get them use to the sun, but usually i just stick them striaght outside
hairs works to scare deer away too, no ones gunna check ur hair on the ground for dna to bust you for 6 plants. neem oil works great to keep the bugs away. depending on how hot it is ide say itd be good to water atleast everyother day (i water everyday) its been 100+ degrees in california this last week. but i have heard of having a barrel or something full of water that like drips or pumps water to your plants so you dont have to go to ur site too often, idk try searching the net to get some plans for that?
with the MG you wont need veg nutes. deffiantley hit it with the flower nutes. If i were you id make the space a little bit bigger and make sure to take out the males.. i dont think you need to pack down the MG to much but a little would work. yeah just put them straight outside. If your using bagseed you might want to start more than six just so you can pick the strongest sproutlings. best of luck
Do you mean make the area longer just to fit the 6 plants or make it bigger to make more.. plan on planting 12 plants to start very close and weeding out the males as soon as possible.. About the watering how often do i have to water in pennsylvania? Do i have to water everyother day or can the crop survive by some rainfall and other things? .. .How much water would 6 plants that are say... a month old drink per watering? Also thanks everyone but noone answered the best time to water during the day. Im guessing i would water right off the bat with flowering nutes or should try to wait till closer to the 3 month Miracle grow point to flower nute?
YOu definitely need to water them yourself or they will die very quickly.

Thanks for that excellent answer you provided me.. if i dont water something it will die.. hmm... Can anyone else please answer any of the remaining questions i have about this subject?
Thanks for that excellent answer you provided me.. if i dont water something it will die.. hmm... Can anyone else please answer any of the remaining questions i have about this subject?

I live in ny. I have never watered my outdoor plants. It has rained at least once every two weeks this season, and usually once a week.
My plants are in the ground though, meaning they can get moisture from the ground as opposed to a pot
Mine are in the ground aswell, the ground is just dugout and replaced with better soil. So watering/fertilizing once every two weeks should be sufficient unless its REALLY hot out? Or would this be a mistake
Just got to get them started. After the roots grow deep after a few rains they are alright. But after you first plant them water eavery few days until they get established.
To harden them off put them in a shady area with a little sun for about a week if u did not start them outside.
Mine are in the ground aswell, the ground is just dugout and replaced with better soil. So watering/fertilizing once every two weeks should be sufficient unless its REALLY hot out? Or would this be a mistake

The soil is very clay-like which holds moisture, so the replaced soil in can wick moisture away from the surrounding clay.
I've had seedlings outside for a week of dry weather and they were fine when I came back
Yes i think this will work well.. Any suggetions on how many mature plants will be able to fit in a 3.1x2x1 foot area? Should i dig it longer and try for more? If i added a foot in length how many could i fit then? God i hate shoveling, i was covered in mud
Ok so say someone thoretically dug a hole (3.2'x2'x1'..phew) in the middle of a sunny nowhere and added .. yes i know ew ( Miracle grow potting soil) (free) to this artifical grow area. How many plants would fit nicely in this space? Im attempting to get 6.. is that pushing it? I know a rule of thumb is 6" squared per. so it will be pushing it. Of corse adding more space is an option but id rather not mix too much shitty clay soil in.

Yes i know its starting way late but oh well, maybe they will get lucky and let them in later then usual pending good weather.

A few questions and Plus rep to anyone who can help. Some more info, these are only bag seed. The bagseed is started in peat pods and i will wait to see roots to transplant. I figure they wont be lit indoor to get them in the real sun ASAP since the season is running short in Eastern USA.. Only around 4+ months left (i think)ouch...

1. Any advice to harden off to be ready for sun?
2. Since there are only 4+ months left and MG has 3month nutes should i be very careful with foxfarm bloom nute? figure i wont hit with any veg nutes
3. or is that a mistake?
4. Will this be enough time, and how many can i fit in this space and is it deep enough ( harder clay soil undernear ew)?
5. How packed does the MG soil have to be? Packed hard or light and fluffy?
6. What about soluables foxfarms like beatiebloomz, chaching, and open seseme?
7. Anything else you think would be useful

1.harden off in part shade for at least 4 days before you plant them...if you put them straight into the soil in full sun they will burn to a crisp. if they are already in the ground, put something around them that will give them some shade should only need bloom nutes when they just begin to flower to get them jump-started and then maybe more bloom nute in last month of flower...i would suggest molasses in last month at least

4.i don't live near ny so don't know if u have enough time, but i'm sure you can squeeze out some good bud...look at a sunrise/sunset table and you'll know when they will begin to flower

5.not packed hard, and not light and fluffy...just pack down after watering in

6.see answer #2

7.when you plant them, plant the stem up to 1 inch under the cotyledon...this will give you more root growth resulting in stronger plants, which have a better probability to survive

good luck
Thanks for that excellent answer you provided me.. if i dont water something it will die.. hmm... Can anyone else please answer any of the remaining questions i have about this subject?

Sorry, I had to get going and didn't have time for a better response.. since you were so thankful I decided to clarify that.

what I meant to say was :

If you rely on rainwater alone and moisture from the ground, your plant will die. You need to bring water to it so that it can survive. Wasn't that one of your questions?
LOL THANKS DAWG!! +++++ REP.. That is what i was hopeing for, a number by number playdown of the facts! will refer back to this post all summer while the things are going and maybe start a journal when its over with some pics stored. We will see! Thanks everyone for your feedback