First smoke of my first grow, tell me what you think.


Well-Known Member
I don't want you to get sick or anything...that weed could have mold on it or something...your best bet would be to ship it all to me at once....I'll get it right into my laboratory and run some tests on it for you...after that, if it is indeed safe, and there is still some left over then I will ship the rest to you....

Just lookin' out.......SC :peace:
Thanks, I couldn't be happier with it. I have no idea of the strain, I found a single seed in a sack of some great stuff, strangely that bud was definitely not purple. I had no idea was I was doing when I germinated it so it started in soil from outside and one incandescent for light. As I keep reading this forum, I learn more and more, so I have been making constant improvments. Don't worry, I switched it into some nice soil pretty quick.

She veged for 3 months and by the time I was ready to change to 12/12 she had 19 CFLs surrounding it giving about 520watts. At first during veg, I fed it MG 3-1-2 ratio then switched to Jack's Classic & Bloom Booster with un-sulphered molases throughout flower. I started the feeding at about 200ppm and moved up to around 550ppm in the end of flower (measured before adding the molasses). The humidity was around 25% it's whole life and temps were about 78 in the day and got around 63 or lower at night. The tops were harvested on day 43 of flower. The rest still needs some time.
I should correct myself it is not a "she", it is an "it". It hermed at 4 weeks flower and I have tweezed hundreds of nanners. Just goes to show that hermies can still be great.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I just started curing my first harvest and just had to sample some. Even without curing, its smokes great and gets me too stoned. Here are a few pics of it around 4 weeks up until I harvested the tops. I'd love to hear some feedback.
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mmmmmmmmmm that looks Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelicious! Very 'grape ape' mmm
mmmmmmmm now I want a big purple PIE of that stuffffffffffff
haha I really would mail you some, but some politicains got it into their head that a plant is evil. I sprayed dutchmaster reverse at the first sign of nanners so if it worked, I shouldn't have any.
I still have about 2/3 of the plant still growing. The top colas trichomes developed much quicker so I have been harvesting a couple of nuggets at a time. That way I get them at the first sign of amber trichomes. Just the top colas(1/5 total plant) weigh about 75grams wet and week later are now about 13g. Tomorrow they'll go in a jar with a boveda62 pack.