First Soil Grow (mystery bag seed)


Well, I've finally decided to get off my ass and start my first soil grow! :clap: lol
Anyhoozle, I'm using some seeds that were given to me by a friend (no idea what they are) and growing them in FoxFarm Ocean Forest soil.
As for nutes I'm using the always reliable Dyna-Gro! Been using the stuff for years and never had a problem with it so why mess up a good thing right?
I've been keeping the pH between 6.3 and 6.7.
Lighting for this grow is kind of cheap at the moment, for the seedlings I have two little fluorescent lamps I used for a science fair project in middle school. Later I will be moving them under a single t5, (this is only temporary as I am waiting for my ballast to be repaired) and then under a 1000w metal halide. Bloom will be running on a 1000w HPS but im getting ahead of myself here.
As of today the grow has been going for about a week. The seeds germinated in 3 days and have been transplanted into some handy dandy pizza hut cups. I've added a little Great White Mycorrhizae for the roots and so far they seem to be doing well, nothing substantial to report.
Ill try to be as active as possible and post a new entry every week but we will see how well I can keep to that schedule.
Pics will be uploaded later tonight.



Apologies for the delay, had some pc trouble for a day and couldn't do anything with my computer.
Here are the first pics and another update will be uploaded in a few days
2013-08-19 02.47.09.jpg2013-08-19 02.47.29.jpg2013-08-19 02.47.57.jpg2013-08-19 02.52.24.jpg

Deuces bongsmilie


10 days later and I finally remembered to update this lol.
As of 4 days ago the plants have been started on the Dyna-Gro nutrients (just Grow and Pro-Tekt) and they seemed to enjoy it.
The stems seem way smaller than I want them to be at this stage, one couldn't even hold itself up and bent it's stem, but I've got a
fan going and adding silicon to try and bulk it up.
Tonight I will be transplanting from the tiny little cups to bigger pots, as well as replacing the mylar with Panda Film. Hopefully that will distribute
the light in the room a little better and make the girls a little happier.
Pics will be uploaded along with more info on the grow after I transplant and put up the Panda Film, also if anyone out there has any suggestions,
comments, questions, feel free to post them.

Deuces bongsmilie


........sooooo some bad news.
I was having a friend help me fix up the room. We got the girls transplanted and added a little more mycorrhizae to keep root development up.
Then we started putting up the panda film. Got the area covered nice and flat, and then after cutting off the last sheet my friend tossed the roll to
the side. Unfortunately the roll landed right on top of my plants, breaking one in half and messing the other up pretty bad. It's been about four days now
and the damaged one seems to be pulling through. The stem has filled back out, although you can still see little creases where it bent.
Ill upload pics later tonight, id do it now but I'm not at home.

Deuces bongsmilie