First Sprout!


Active Member
So about a month and a half ago i must have gotten really high and put a seed in this planter box outside my bedroom window. Well i forgot about it until today when i decided to take a look and what do u know it is growing! It is about 6 inches high, i can't tell whether or not it is a male or female. If any of you guys can tell let me know.

My plan is to transplant it soon to an undiscloded location so that it can finish growing.



Active Member
When i do transplant it would it hurt the plant if i added that miracle grow potting soil to the hole that i am going to plant the sprout in?


Well-Known Member
MG has fertilizer in it already so unless you are going to transplant it later on like maybe 2 more weeks the plant should be fine but right not the plant will get nute bur and maybe die :(


Well-Known Member
That plant doesnt need nutes yet, wait till its at least a month old. Then give it 25% of the recommended dose and gradually increase each week if no ill effects are noticed. Also, its way to early to determine sex.