First Tat Be Honest


Active Member
This is my first tat and i got it for 30 bucks. I think he did a shit job. What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
I don't think it looks bad. You should see some of my friends....One has the monster energy drink logo on his back. LOL.


Well-Known Member
only tattoo i have is my wifes name over my heart. other than that, nice tat man. just dont expect to get anykind of professional job in an office or dealing with customers. but if your a welder making bank fucking tat it up. lol


Well-Known Member
So it's good enough to go to work and not have to quit out of embarrassment?
Yea sure, the quality of the work is not bad at all... from the pic anyway...

It's the placement of the tat that throws me off.. especially for a first...


I actually like the placement but there are some outline lines that cud of been a lil better like at the top of the skull by that's nothing a touch up can't take of.


Well-Known Member
not something i would get, especially not on the hand. but i guess it's an alright looking tat for the price.

i still haven't went and got a tattoo yet but when i do i plan on spending around 200-400 per hour.