First thanksgiving as a vegetarian

Vegetarian here. Just stand your ground. People take this shit so personal for some reason. My wife and kids are vegetarian and 7 years later we still are fighting some family about it. It’s fucking tiring getting into the same dumb argument year after year. It’s gotten to the point where we have left family gatherings prematurely because people won’t stop trying to get my kids to eat meat. That shit isn’t funny and it’s very violating.

you do you OP. You’re bringing your own food and not asking people to change their life style. If they can’t respect you then just tell them to fuck off. Yes your turkey smells great, no I seriously don’t want any. The pleaded and prodding is juvenile and annoying. Let’s just enjoy each other company.

Enjoy your turkey, sausage, and ham. I got nothing against you meat eaters. I’ll even sneak a few pieces of turkey for my dog. Hell, I even cook meat on the regular for my pup.

And…end rant. Thanks!
Burp, fart, etc.
