First thing you would do if three cops walked up to your door holding handcuffs


Well-Known Member
I have a chain bolt, so first I open the door. If they try to stick there foot in the door I tell them to hang on a second so I can release the bolt, then close the door and tell them to go away.

If they don't try to stick there foot in the door, I go out to the front porch and lock the door behind me. Pretty easy really.

Gotta love castle law. Even if you WREAK like weed they can't go in without your permission or a warrant.


Well-Known Member
I had this very thing happen. My gf and I were sitting out back late one night talking and someone called the cops. Strange thing is we wernt even being loud but whatever. Well we had gone in by the time they came and were watching TV when they got to my house. So we are sitting and hear knock knock. We look at each other like wtf. Whos that? So I toss my bowl on the table next to my jar full of weed and answer the door. Oh! Hello, whats up? one cop asks me to come out side and talk to him so I do as I do the other goes inside to talk to my gf. They ask us whats up and we say nothings up. they make sure i didnt kidnap her or whatever and then head out. I was really hoping they would ask about the weed I know he saw it my gf said he sat down with it right in front of him. I really wanted them to ask me so I could show them my med card and smile. But they didnt say a word. Oh well thats Hawaii for ya. went to all the trouble to get the card and never get to show it lol.