First time aerogarden cabinet grow PICS


Active Member
Ok so I started my plants from seed about 3 weeks ago. I havn't had too many problems besides the fact that when I looked at them this mourning, they had wierd brown spots all over them. I stated to think it was nute burn, but I changed the water a few days ago and put 2 teaspoons fox farm grow big, and 1 drop superthrive in the gallon resevoir of my aerogarden delux. I am pretty sure this is the right amount to put in. Please critic me and tell me if I am doing anything wrong.



Active Member
It might be the mylar or the aluminum foil your using as it can redirect the light straight at your leaves by burning them..i had the same problem.


Active Member
Thanks I am using just the aerogarden deluxe lights, but I had the aerogarden light arm all the way down to the plants. I have raised them today, but do u think that they will recover? I am using the cheap emergency blanket as mylar simply because it is such a small grow. Do you know if the emergency blanket is a shitty thing to use or what?


Active Member
the spots got worse today. They are much bigger and they turned dark brown. What is happening? I read somewhere that it might be that there is little magnesium that's why there is spots.

Anyone got any ideas?


Active Member
yeah I was thinking about that, but I don't seems to see any spots when I close the doors. That could be the cause though....I hope I can figure it out before anything else goes wrong.


Active Member
Ok so today I did something thats always exciting....I put my plants on the 12/12 cycle, I think they are ready and healthy enough. The brow spots stoped spreading and are just getting darker in those spots.



Well-Known Member
I had the same sort of thing happening with the leaves in my aerogarden grow under 250 watt MH.

Mine became worse looking than yours, as it seemed to be a culmination of problems. But it started with spots like that forming.

I am pretty sure my water temps were too high. my PH was way high. I was feeding with aerogarden nutes, and it wasn't getting what it needed, which got even worse as the PH went off, things became stunted, new growth was all yellow while old growth had cells dying in droves.

Than I flushed, got 'em in PH'd water and started them on G.H. nutes, and they bounced back quickly. You'd hardly know now there was ever a problem with them, aside from some deformed leaves in the bottom areas.

Yours still look good though. I'm sure they'll do great.


Well-Known Member
that happens every grow with mine in an aerogarden.... It does not hurt them and it does not spread ..
Good luck .. Im almost ready to harvest these



Well-Known Member
very nice. quite inspirational.

yeah, I am pretty sure my issues were PH related, as well as crap nutes. I've got 3 a foot high in one right now, but I am quickly realizing that the one in the center is the one in the optimal position if I'm going to get any height out of it.

I totally need to get an airstone in mine too.


have you considered getting more lighting for them?


Active Member
thank you everone fopr responding....I check my PH daily, and yes I have thought of getting more lights. I have thought of getting two more 45 wt cfls. I have a feeling that it would work perfectly


Active Member
here are some updated pics of the two females I was left with 2 out of 7. I am now using fox farm big bloom, tiger bloom, and chaching.
