first time biobizz grow


hey guys i would really appreciate your advice. any of you with biobizz experience can share some knowledge please?

this is the first time im growing with the biobizz nutrients on a coco perlite mixture
the babies are in the end of week 3 so i use 2ml of grow, 1ml of algomix and 2ml of bio heaven for the water solution

3 of them have the same symptoms, started a few days ago with one of them and now 2 more have joined to the problem (i have 3 more - one of them also starting to show a little, the other 2 seems very healthy)
so it makes me more suspicious that the problem is with the water i give them.
i must admit that until 3 days ago i was lowering the pH of the tap water first and then adding the nutrients - resulting in a very low pH for the solution :wall::wall::wall:
as soon as i noticed the first plant with the problem i began to lower the pH after the solution was ready and give them an average of 6.3 pH.

3 days have passed and they look worse, and by worse i mean 2 that didn't have a problem now have it very vivid and the first one don't show no signs of revival - their growth has also become slower. also the problem was first shown on the big fan leaves and now i notice the inner small ones changing color and curling also :-(

what can i do? should i flush or not - with tap water or lowered pH water? continue with the same solution or lower the amounts?

the pictures are taken outside the grow area - they look much worse under the MH light (more yellowish)



Well-Known Member
look like nutrititent def? maybe it ph lockout. and yellowing leaves is probably N def if yellowing starts from bottom up. when areas in between the veins of the leaf start yellow its time for mg. the red stems on your leaf indicate lacking of P. and so on.

I used biobizz and tbh i must say i absolutly love it. best plants i ever grew :)


thanks for the reply!
from looking at the pics in the forum and around the web the symptoms resemble any of the magnesium, phosphorous and nitrogen deficits, maybe a pH lockout problem? it very hard for me to understand what is it for sure
and also because of the organic nutrients i have no idea if the modification i made to the solution will show any change so fast or i need to wait more? this is why i'm not flushing them right now - or should i?