First time cfl grow. Need advice :))


Active Member
Hey all. this is my plant at 20 days vegging under 23w 6500k cfl, How does it look like?. bottom leaves ar turning yellow and crispy and i don't know what is the problem. Can you give me any advice about it? I water it with a tap water, and i'm not sure about soil mix, it looks like dirt but i bought it at the fflowers shop. Help greatly 19.jpgappreciated


Well-Known Member
Looks thirsty. Small plants have small roots. Therefore they can't get that much moisture from the soil. Early on you need lots of humidity around the seedling. If you don't have a way to make a humidity dome you should spray it. Don't drown it but don't let it dry out too much. That's my two cents. I've seen people cut the bottom off a two liter and cover the solo cup with that.


Active Member
Well your first problem is you need to ph balance your water. It would also help a lot if you knew what kind of soil. Also your going to want more lights if you want it to get bigger.


Well-Known Member
that is WAY too small for 20 days old...and that pot is WAY too big to start a seedling in, and that soil has very little drainage...

Unless you paid big bucks for that seed I'd chuck it and start over...this time use a small pot to start the seedling in, no nutrients in the soil and plenty of drainage(lots of perlite), you want soil that doesn't just sit there for days wet. Good way to test is to take a party cup(plastic solo cup), cut holes in it in the bottom, fill it with soil, wet it down and set it in a windowsill that gets sun. Notice the weight of the cup before and after putting the water to it, let it sit for 24hrs, lift the cup, does it appear about the same weight as before watered or even a little lighter? Then its probably good to go for soil. If its still as heavy as the previous day after 24hrs add more perlite and try again...

Now comes the nutrients to your don't want something thats going to fry the shit out of your little doesn't need any nutrients for the first 2-3 weeks of its has those first two leaves that come up that give it the nutrients it needs(yours are browning at the moment so its been sucked dry) if the root system didn't get a chance to develop before those die off yer pretty fucked and your plant will be stunted(ergo why i said just start over)...if you have no idea what is in your soil for NPK pickup a soil test kit that includes telling you how much nutrients are in the soil...a little more expensive but it tells you what you are working with. If you just want to grow, pickup some general potting mix at any hardware store and it should be fine as long as you add extra perlite to it.

So, start your seeds in smaller containers, with no nutrients in the soil if you can(they make seedling soil for this), then transplant to a larger container in 2-3 weeks after the root system has really started to grow...there is also a guide in the newbie section that is a sticky near the top that says "How to Grow Marijuana" read down through that :)

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
hey just started my first grow (sides last summer outdoor) im usingf 2 lights (!) 42 watt cfl from wally world($14) do it do it big.
sand a 26wattcfl the 42 is 6500k and the other is 2700k only usecd mix spectrum cuz it helps it flower early i added it after week 1 end.

check it in my sig im adding a post for today witht he up date there good and all bag seed check mine and u can compare in 2 days it will be 21 days for mine. from day 1 in soil.

Tha Dope man187

Active Member
i havde two types but both bag seed one is a type of kush all i know is its good hell shit, ande otyhers random outdoor strain i had but i thought if i put t indoor it might work better. but even my strecheed one(cup was knocked over fro a day..helped the lst!! haahh but even my streched one has more leafs then yours n theyre 19 days.