First time closet CFL grow

Hey dudes just sharing the results of 3 weeks worth of vegging. Right now I only have 6 CFLs (100W equivalents) and plan on going with more soon when I switch them over to flowering. I am pretty happy with how they look.

Using General Hydro nutes with soil. Im using about 1/4 strength from what they recommend for "drain to waste", and I alternate from nutes to flush when I water them. Switched em out of solo cups about 2.5 weeks in and the have exploded in growth.

I dont know what strains are as these are some random seeds I pulled out of a bottle I have been saving them in.

"I dont know what strains are as these are some random seeds I pulled out of a bottle I have been saving them in."

Nice looking shade of green omg! You obviously have a green thumb :eyesmoke:

A general word of caution once you initiate flowering, assuming your seeds were all sourced from bagseed, it is highly probable that they have originated from hermaphrodite plants.......thus, your flowering plants may also go hermie on you and start popping male flowers and seeding your crop.......

keep an eagle eye open for nanners in flower !!!!!

apologies if you are already well aware of this risk.

cheers ~


Plants are looking killer, bud! Subbed. I'm about 3 weeks into veg myself so it'll be interesting to see how your babies turn.
Decided to just top 1 plant to see how it goes. Next go around I will experiment with some low stress topping. Also just swapped out the bulbs for 2700k's in preperation for flowering

My favorite one. Hopefully they all turn out female, but this one in particular is prettiest lol.

Checking my main plant for preflowers. I believe the other plants are showing good signs of being female. Crappy pictures, but what do you guys think? About 6 days in.

Hey much total wattage are you running per square foot? Looking great by the way. I will be following this one til the end.
CFL wattage probably only about 50W / sq ft. 184 total.

I might add, whenever I add nutes to these things they grow noticably faster! Did get a little bit of nute burn on one plant but the rest are doing awesome! I felt like they grew 1"+ last night...


Active Member
Good looking cab, nice looking plants (inside and out), I think they look female to me. You should be very happy, it is never 100% certain when sexing this early but to me they look female :-)
Yup, I have confirmed 3/4 of the plants are female =). The 4th, the short and stubby indica dominent looking one looks like its getting the little balls of a male but Im gonna let it grow some more just to make sure.

I repotted the 3 females for the last time today and found the first bud site on one. I know I've been over watering and that explains the droopy leaves.
