First Time Closet Grow


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actually i'm thinking another 2 or 3 weeks of veg then imma go head n flower her after i take afew more clones n let her heal up again. might top her not sure yet.


Well-Known Member
Seems are grows have more in common than just age.
I started too at 24/0 and then after reading here I switched to 18/6.
I'm also using Biobizz and right now I have Bio-Heaven and Bio-Grow. I'm thinking of getting Bio-Bloom when I go into flowering. But you saw from my pics, that when I fed with these nutes even with less than 2ml per lt., I got these brown burned leaf tips. Your plants do great with the same nutes though. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

It seems that you did pretty good with cloning as well. I haven't cloned yet but I think it's time for me also. I'll do it later today or tomorrow.

Did you top any of your plants? I'm thinking of topping or fimming later today.


Well-Known Member
Omg!! WOW dude we do have alot in common. As of right now I have Bio-Grow Bio-Bloom and AlG-A-MIC all made from the same company BioBizz. I didnt see heaven. Imma look again whats that one for? Alg a mic is basically a viaitly booster(50% Sea kelp). U can put in wit watering, or spray on leaves wit alil bit of soap overnight WITOUT lights!!! Dont spray on wit lights. But that really helps mine out. As for yours burning man, hrm the first time i did it. I noticed the spots, n brown tips u can actually still see the spots on my orginally set of leaves on my indica bush. I dont even do an exact ammount meaning i dont measure. I usually grab a milk gallon. half it usually half way full or alil more wit my phed water at one time. cause thats usually enuff to feed all my plants at one feedin. But right before feeding i grab my spoon tablespoon fill it about half or 3/4 way n thats all.


Well-Known Member
cool just finished reading it through, and I can't wait to see how these lil babies pan out. everything looks good and wish you all the luck!


Well-Known Member
Bio-Heaven is a new product of Biobizz that you can use during veg and flower. The guy at my local grow shop told me that it'll be good to use it. Here's the link: BioBizz

I may try Alg-A-Mic as well and see how they like it!
Since the burned brown tips I gave just water once. I think I'll give just water the next time too and then continue feeding. In the meantime if I get Alg-A-Mic, I'll spray them just before the lights go out!


Well-Known Member
I actually noticed abit of a difference if you let the plants cool for like 10 - 15mins then spray. You can test it out urself, spray right as they are going out, then try it another time after its been out for alil bit. Maybe i was just stoned n excited!! lmfao


Well-Known Member
I actually noticed abit of a difference if you let the plants cool for like 10 - 15mins then spray. You can test it out urself, spray right as they are going out, then try it another time after its been out for alil bit. Maybe i was just stoned n excited!! lmfao
I'll try that.
I'm going out to get the things I need to build my new box. Probably will get some cloning solution and Alg-A-Mic. I'll be back later with updated pics!



Well-Known Member
not bashing your products, just thought i'd spread my great results with Dutchmaster foilar sprays.

Liquid light : Spray your plants and drive them to use 60% more light. supercharge a 600w light into a 1000w high yield weapon. Delivers a high tech paylod of light magnifying technology deep inside the leaves of your plant!

Penetrator : it's now a clinically prove fact that Duthmaster Penetrator is the only effective way to harness the incredible power of foilar spraying. Tests conducted at the university of British Columbia have repeatedly shown that without Penetrator - it just Doesn't Get In!

Reverse : Does your heart stop when you see a male flower in your garden? Think of all the lost time and effort you can save with the incredibly fast knockdown action of Reverse. Dutchmaster technical engineering ensures fast, effective knockdown of those troublesome male flowers, usually within 24 to 48 hours.
For use on hermaphroditic plants!!

All quotes are on their website Dutch Master - For the Biggest, Hardest, Heaviest Yields EVER!! GUARANTEED! - GOLD Nutrient AVAILABLE NOW! and on the back of their bottles.


Well-Known Member
topped em on march 20th which would of made them around 23-25 days from the first set of leaf.


Well-Known Member
mine are exactly.. 23 days old I think imma fim #1 in afew more days. But i'm not sure what to do wht the bush lmfao!! obviouslly its a bush!! not getting very tall should i bother wit fim or topping? Would it still increase the yield in a bush type like this ?


Well-Known Member
read whats going on in my journal they have a discussion going and i'm following it...quite interesting :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
just got my fucking humidifier w00t!! Temps were at 80-90 depending o the day, n 20-30 humd. Its now running 79 temp n dropping, and 81 percent humd n raising w00t. Ideal conditions finally. Cant wait to see how they react


Well-Known Member
Day 23 for #1 and #3. Day 13 for #3 I also said since #3 looked like a retard I said fuck it n wanted to see what would happen to her if i FIMED her at such a young age. Which I did. Shes dropping right now hope for come back if not tho, hey it was for scientific purposes!! #1 and #2 are both doing fantastic I'm prolly going to FIM #1 Soon within afew weeks. Most likely gonna leave Miss #2 alone. LOL i'll show pictures later. Anyway.

Clones: C#1,C#2: Both of them are doing well both standing straight up its day 2 for them neither of them have drooped or yellowed one bit. So still hoping for the best.

Batch of Bagseeds: I have this long like window cell planter like it would hold like 12 pot plants that are small if u didnt care about mixing in the same pot. Well i said Fuck it while i'm waiting for my 60 good strains I threw about 18 seeds in this big planter about a foot tall n 3 1/2 across maybe. I spread them out as best I could. Didnt even germinate them cause they arent even gonna be transplated out of that planter they will be my test plants. To try shit on. Well anyway today 8 Outta 18 Sprouted. Still waiting for the other 10 to show their ugly lil heads.


Well-Known Member
lol that sounds like a fun little experiment! Hope your clones end up alive unlike mine!! staying tuned!!!


Well-Known Member
lol that sounds like a fun little experiment! Hope your clones end up alive unlike mine!! staying tuned!!!
ha tks man! I found quote :) fucking anyway ha . LOL !! Ya dude its day 3 or 4 wit the clones they both still have not drooped one bit. No yellowing. All green n the lil bundle of new leaves that were already there seem to be still growing. So it seems like I should see roots within a few more days. Sry to hear bout ur clones. what went wrong exactly?!


Well-Known Member
Batch of Bagseeds: I have this long like window cell planter like it would hold like 12 pot plants that are small if u didnt care about mixing in the same pot. Well i said Fuck it while i'm waiting for my 60 good strains I threw about 18 seeds in this big planter about a foot tall n 3 1/2 across maybe. I spread them out as best I could. Didnt even germinate them cause they arent even gonna be transplated out of that planter they will be my test plants. To try shit on. Well anyway today 8 Outta 18 Sprouted. Still waiting for the other 10 to show their ugly lil heads.
Make that 11 outta 18 Have show up now :P Also just took 2 clones off my #2 Bush :P . So I have C#3 and C#4 Now. 2 from my big girl, and 2 from my bush :P


Well-Known Member
whats up mclean, how are the plants looking, how about that indica. Can you see a improvement since you added that humidifier


Well-Known Member
Tell ya the truth I cant really tell... Ha! ... but OMG my big baby is doing Beautiful n so is indica, she looks alil smaller, cause i trimmed her up abit, n took some of the unness away from first leaves left on still .. etc.. My retard is dying, the 11 sprouts are doing fab! I'm hoping for seeds tomorrow!! The ones i ordered!! Cause all this doesnt even compare to the seeds i'm getting :P Muwhahaha. Tks for stopping by