First Time Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
Uh i think they are like 2 weeks old I blame they're slow growth on well this is my first time ever growing or cloning lmfao. I fuckd up they almost all died. but they are looking better here are some pictures. 2 mini weed clones. 1 Big girl clone



Well-Known Member
If you cloned right into soil.. don't expect very good results.

Peat cubes or rockwool are the way to go!

Heat mats under the trays definitely help.. Just read Al B. Fuct's threads on cloning and perpetual growing.



Well-Known Member
If you cloned right into soil.. don't expect very good results.

Peat cubes or rockwool are the way to go!

Heat mats under the trays definitely help.. Just read Al B. Fuct's threads on cloning and perpetual growing.

Sure didnt buddy. Those are actually in rapid rooters, for about 2 weeks, thought they all were dying turned out they were rooted n i ddint notice ha. So i planted them all. Now i'm nursing them ;P


Well-Known Member
everything looks great man! I had to kill one of my clones today, it didn't root. The other one still hasn't rooted out of the rockwool, but it sure doesn't look anywhere near dead. Still having hopes for it :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Damn dude sry to hear. But you live you learn :P woot hey tool. How long into flowering before you started seeing formation of bud, and how long did it take urs to show her sex again. My lil bush is being a bitch. Lmfao. Tonite will be her 5th night in teh dark n I got no sex yet ! Mean lil girl or boy


Well-Known Member
I'm sure she's a nice little lady. Just give her some time... she's playing shy now : -)))


Well-Known Member
Yes clean, give her time & she'll reward you :wink:
BTY fems do take a little longer to show their sex ........


Well-Known Member
Damn dude sry to hear. But you live you learn :P woot hey tool. How long into flowering before you started seeing formation of bud, and how long did it take urs to show her sex again. My lil bush is being a bitch. Lmfao. Tonite will be her 5th night in teh dark n I got no sex yet ! Mean lil girl or boy
well yesterday was the start of week 4. the hairs started showing maybe 2 weeks ago? I'd have to re-read my journal. The buds started forming about 5 days ago. They are still extremely small and no where near considered "buds" yet, but they are on their way. I also think it took a little longer for the buds to form, because as others pointed out to me, I did clone while it was in flowering. I have also had a few heat problems so I'm sure that slowed it down a bit too. Luckily everything is back to normal and she's progressing a lot faster now.


Well-Known Member
Good to hear good to hear. i'm almost at a week Now. This is gonna be teh 5th day as i said last night. But ya I turned teh lights off for longer last night. Longer then 12 hours that is. I think i did 8-16 Or close to it. Just to see if I notice a diff.


Well-Known Member
mcclean when you started your flowering on the first night how long did you keep the lights off