First time closet grow


New Member
So as of now I'm attempting my first grow. They have already been germinated and planted and are about a week and a half old. This is bag seed that came from a friend who grew it outdoors and he said it was bubblicious as it did have a faint hint of bubble gum in the odor. I'm only growing 2 (hopefully at least 1 ends up being female) and am using 3 40 watt CFLs in my closet with the emergency blanket reflective material on the walls. I made the mistake of giving them a 1/4 dose of 20/20/20 plant food 3 days ago. The tips of the leaves are now yellow and was wondering will this continue the get worse until I flush? I gave it water with no nutes yesterday. Anyways I'm looking for detailed tips to help me on this first grow!


Active Member
If you already watered with no nutes you should be fine. If you really want to flush it you need to wait a couple days, dont want to stress the plant by overwatering.

Check the new leaves and if theres no yellowing you're fine. If theres still yellow, water again with no nutes until you see the new leaves forming with no nute burn. Then start adding some nutes back in slowly


IMHO you shouldn't add nutes until the seedlings are at least 4 weeks. If you're using good soil, it already has nutes in it. PH your water to 6.5 and check the runoff water to see if it remains 6.5. If it's lower or higher than 6.5, adjust your h2o accordingly before watering.



New Member
Thank you, I was going to avoid nutes until their a few weeks old. Didn't realize how long your supposed to wait and was going to try to start slowly with nutes. Anyone use ona gel for odor elimination?


Well-Known Member
Ona gel will help decrease the smell but not eliminate it in my experiences. Especially in a closet setting with no real air circulation. If you are looking for a way to control odor i would strongly suggest looking into an inline fan with a carbon filter setup. As far as your first question goes the only thing you can do is wait and see what happens now that you flushed them out. Fingers crossed you didn't burn them up to the point of no return! What type of soil are you using? I had some of my first grow seedlings burn up to the point of no return just from the soil alone being to hot in nutes! Trial and error my friend but don't give up yet! It's to easy with all the information on RIU and people willing to give you their two sense. Good luck and happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Also if your able to give us a pic or at the least a detailed description of your current setup I.E. your lighting, Soil, closet temps for example we can give you further detail to help you grow successfully. But first off I would suggest research, research, research! Once you learn to navigate RIU you have every bit of information you need at your finger tips! I'm not saying don't ask questions though just try and research first about the specific setup you have and if you still have questions fire away! Its amazing the amount of knowledge I have gained from reading forums and using the search tool on here. It will turn your brain into a cannabis cultivating encyclopedia before long!!


New Member
I'm growing on a shelf in the closet space is 3"x 2" x 8" tall with a 3in fan blowing directly on the lights/ plants. Temps stay around 70-85 lights off and on. Humidity is something I need to work on as its around 25-30 buying a humidifier. Lights are 3 40w 6500 CFLs hooked up with 2 1 to 2 fixture spliters. I have 3/4 walls around the shelf covered in emergency blanket for reflection. I have the lights about 2-3 in away from the plants. The soil is a seed starting soil I bought from Menard's. The nutrients are Shultz all purpose 20/20/20. Thanks for the help guys! This is pretty addicting.


New Member
I don't have a pH tester which could be my fault point during this. Any testers that are recommended? As well I'd be Into doing a box with a intake/exhaust set up but it sounds way out of what I'd like to spend. But if its the only way to eliminate the odor I might have too.


Active Member
I don't have a pH tester which could be my fault point during this. Any testers that are recommended?
You dont need to worry about your PH in soil, it acts as a buffer. I've never tested mine and have had 0 issues. Just make sure you get a good runoff with each watering and you'll be fine.

I guarantee your plants do not have an issue with PH, problem is something else. In this case, most likely to much fertilizer.


New Member
Well I know they are burning because I gave them too much notes for a almost 2 week old plant didn't know I was supposed to wait 3-4 weeks until I had already gave em a good feeding. I figured just going back to plain water would dilute the nutes and it shouldn't be an issue. I'll add pics tonight