First Time Cook


Active Member
Hi im considering cooking as an alternative to smoking weed could someone please tell me the dangers if any ? to eating cannabutter? also to let you know i have never smoked weed but have rolled up with friends ...
so i would also want to know if a 10bag would be enouigh for a first time cook?:-o

Reply soon , nfscarbon:weed:


Well-Known Member
No dangers at all . but alot of work. You have to grind up your weed andmel eaqual parts butter and water simmer your weed in this for 3-4 hours on low heat you might need to add more water to keep it from burning Make sure there is always water in the pot at all times. Once this is finished Strain the mixture so all the weed is out ond put it in a jar in the fridge. The butter and water will sperate. the butter will be green and smell crazy and the water will be black and mell like shit.Drain off the water and there you have it canna butter.

I reccomed using at least a 1/4 ounce of wee and just buy some browine mix and repace the oil in the recipe for double the canna butter. make a batch with your buddies. It will tak at least an hour to kick in after eating


Active Member
no dangers, things i've been reading are showing signs of reversing cancer growth, increasing learning abilities, here in SoCal, at UCLA one of the doctors has started recommending it to children for ADD/ADHD instead of the drugs like Ritalin and Adderal, etc. (from what i see these some of them drugs are banned in Canada, and have also been linked to 12 deaths of children here in the U.S. i've been smoking oh 11 years now, and everything is great. I have car, job, starting my own business, house, and two beautiful children, so i see no danger. please educate people....


Well-Known Member
How can people still think that inhaling burning plant matter is healthy for you? And now people are thinking about saying, no it's not healthy for you, but if something isn't healthy for you, it isn't good for you, so it is bad for you.


Well-Known Member
the only harm mj has is the smokin of the plant if you eat it all thr risk is gone

in the uk the were making a weed spray for med people.


Active Member
How can people still think that inhaling burning plant matter is healthy for you? And now people are thinking about saying, no it's not healthy for you, but if something isn't healthy for you, it isn't good for you, so it is bad for you.
Weren't we talking about eating it?