First time cooking with oil


New Member
Hi guys, first time poster but I have been a huge fan of this forum for a long time now.

I just have a few questions about making special brownies but with oil. I have done this all before with butter but I really can't stand butter even if it's baked into something and everything I've seen so far makes using oil very simple. So I am going to use "Heavy" Fudge Brownie mix, the box's words not mine, and it calls for oil so it all seems great. My issue here is I don't think I want to use nearly much green as others do for this. Most use anywhere from a quarter O and up but I think I want to just use an 1/8th though I'm not sure if that will be enough. I can get pretty dam baked off .4 of what I usually get which is really really good mids but not the crazy good stuff. I just took a 2 month break from smoking so I'm guessing I don't need to use much marijuana, however do you think 1/8th will still be enough?

I've spent a lot of time looking over these and other forums about edibles so I'm pretty much all set on how to cook it and all. It seems almost way too easy actually.


Well-Known Member
3.5gs total used if you yield 30 brownies you are getting about .12g per edible

math 3.5g/30 edibles = .11+ g per edible.. you will need to eat 4


Well-Known Member
eighth of mid? no its gonna be shit. usually takes me a quarter of real real good bud to get good results. if you wanna do a low dose use a eighth of the best shit you can get. or like a half oz of mids lol


New Member
i usually use a couple of oil to a half ounce of buds as a good ratio, be careful when using oil, make sure to keep a double broiler setup to avoid getting the oil too hot and burning it