First Time curing with boveda Packs

I'm debating on using boveda. But my problem is where I'm located they only have the 69% and 70%. Has any one dry/cure there buds with the 69%?
That's a little high, could cause mold issues. I was able to find the 62% on E-Bay and a supplier in Canada w/free shipping. Not sure where you are but might be worth a search for E-bay suppliers in your country...
That's a little high, could cause mold issues. I was able to find the 62% on E-Bay and a supplier in Canada w/free shipping. Not sure where you are but might be worth a search for E-bay suppliers in your country...

I was able to get ahold of the 65% so I'll be curing with this one. I kinda need it now, next day shipping is way too expensive .
I was able to get ahold of the 65% so I'll be curing with this one. I kinda need it now, next day shipping is way too expensive .
Yeah e-bay's not good for expedited delivery, although local suppliers always get stuff to me in 2-3 days. That should be alright if you just keep an eye on them and burp them here & there.
I've used the Boveda 62's for my last 4 harvests with great results. I dry in a closet in 50 to 55 percent humidity for 5 to 7 days, then jar loosely with 1 pack per Qt. jar. I open each jar once a day for a few minutes to shake the jars, close em back up, for about the first week. After that, keep em closed till you're ready to smoke. Perfect everytime! Also, you can order direct from Boveda. Much quicker and cheaper than e-bay or anyone else.
Yeah e-bay's not good for expedited delivery, although local suppliers always get stuff to me in 2-3 days. That should be alright if you just keep an eye on them and burp them here & there.
I've used the Boveda 62's for my last 4 harvests with great results. I dry in a closet in 50 to 55 percent humidity for 5 to 7 days, then jar loosely with 1 pack per Qt. jar. I open each jar once a day for a few minutes to shake the jars, close em back up, for about the first week. After that, keep em closed till you're ready to smoke. Perfect everytime! Also, you can order direct from Boveda. Much quicker and cheaper than e-bay or anyone else.

I tried ordering from but would not go through. But in the future I will try again.
Add me to team Boveda aswell. I use them the same as others...burping daily. I buy the smallest ones from amazon...I'm a prime member so two day shipping is standard I can't remember how much they were my last harvest, but I'm about to order some shortly for this harvest. I think they were less than $20 for two 10 packs...order on a Friday and receive them that following Monday. C-vault is pointless; all you need is the packs for a perfect cure.
They are a complete waste of time and all hype. These have nothing to do with preventing mould. If you have mould in jars it is because they was not properly dried in the first place. also a waste of time if you keep open jars to burp, it defeats the purpose. mould takes ages and they would have to be really wet in first place. A proper long slow dry is the secret and put in jars in dark cool cupboard. You can tell by the density when they are ready.
They are a complete waste of time and all hype.
I've had them work well for me for storage, preserve the terps and maintain correct moisture levels.
The jars that had no boveda were tasteless, this waa 6 months after harvest...
I tried a small batch with no burping, just the boveda packs as there had been claims that they could be used for curing as well as storage. In my small test, no comparison to burping properly. Night and day imo but I can pick up those annoying little differences in taste/smell. I'll use them for long term storage, that's what they are meant to be used for, not curing.
Couldn't agree more. I prefer the 59% for long term storage though. I've had issues with 62% long term compared to 59%