First time doing compost tea help


How many cups of worm castings would you add in 5 gallons. After making 5 gallons do you then dilute it even more or feed that to the plants. I have 2 plants in 25 gallon containers if I don't dilute the solution do I split a full 5 gallons between 2 plants?
I use 1/2 - one pound casts or compost in 5 galllons. So 8oz is two cups for half pound by volume. 4 cups for a pound of casts? But check I dont measure in cups.
In 5 gallons I just add and stir it well. Larger volumes, 50+ gallons, and using sump pumps i put it in a tea bag(s). Then steep it with hand agitation to extract the microbes, nutrients and fine sized compost particles. And sometimes the sump pump goes in a tea bag too. Such as for 300+ gallons extract and not enough tea bags to hold the casts, where I just mix it in the stock tank. The fines can bind an impeller.
You dont dilute it use full strength, and use soon then top dress the used casts if you want.
Thats more the extract method I currently use. Its incredible. 5 gallons of tea should feed the two plants well.
So I can water my plants with a full 5 gallons of non diluted tea and not have to worry about burning the plants?
So I can water my plants with a full 5 gallons of non diluted tea and not have to worry about burning the plants?
Yes. Use it full strength. Its impossible to burn any plants with worm cast tea. Its fertilizer values are literally 0-0-0 plus the magic!
No only about a gallon a day ATM. Can I store a compost day for more than a week?
Its not detrimental to store it for a week. If you do, put it in a cool place with an airstone preferred or without is ok too. But if it stinks after a week dont risk using it.