I hate when people post shit and can't really source it.
Example 1)
"It also causes brain damage"
For DXM this is not proven. On the contrary, there are sources around claiming that DXM is neuroprotective, granted yes, there are other sources that agree that it is neurotoxic. Can you show me a medical document?
U said it your self, its neurotoxic. Please provide a link to a source stating that it actually Protects your brain..Ill literally shit my self if u can provide a reputable source. You do know that DXM is in the same category of drugs as Special K and PCP...
Example 2)
"That shit literally STRIPS away your stomach lining."
How is that? Myself nor my close friend (who has atleast double the uses that I have) have any issues with our stomach (and he is a chronic eater of insanely hot, hot sauces which can lead to ulceration by itself). Did you ever think that your brother had an adverse reaction to the substance and it had nothing to do with it being corrosive? But I'll gladly revoke this question if you can show me something off of a medical site stating it deteriorates stomach lining tissue.
First off iv been eating hot sauce by the spoon full since i was a little kid and NO it does not cause any damage to your stomach. Iv asked my doctor about this because i was having major stomach problems and he told me that consuming spicy food will do nothing more than give you gas and heart burn.Second off when my brother went to the Hospital the doctor said YES IT DOES EAT AWAY AT YOUR STOMACH LINING.Why would a profeshional MD lie about this?U can believe Shepj if u want but why take the risk for a cheap high? Show me a source stating that it doesn't do harm to your dietary tract..
Example 3)
"that Guafinsons bull shit as that stuff will royaly fuck up ur liver."
Guaifenesin, to the best of my knowledge does not cause any adverse side effects to the liver (other than stress of processing a foreign substance, but food goes in that category). Gauifenesin can lead to gout, but not to liver damage.
Umm yea it totally does fuck up your liver in the high doses you consume when Abusing cough syrup. Most if not all DXM related sites state this fact. Why is it that the majority of Trip reports on Erowid say NOT TO PURCHASE the brand with this crap in it??
Example 4)
"And only drink ONE bottle if its your first time."
This is terrible advice, they only make one sized, one strength bottle? How about we give the man a dosage so he can accurately compare when he goes to the store to buy some DXM. For a first timer, I would recommend 200 - 400 mg which falls into erowid's "common" dosage.
Ok sorry, let me clairify this for the guy who want to abuse the syrup. What ever u do DONT buy your first bottle from Costco. They ONLY sell robo in 4 ounce and 8 ounce size at grocery stores, so use logic and buy the 4 oz bottle. And yes an entire 4 oz bottle of the DM is a good first time dose. The strenght between the normal tussin and the max tussin is only 5 mills...
Now for you guys thinking I'm being harsh picking this post apart, just think if this was your best friend and he was educating you in drug use... someone who knows incorrect facts is just as dangerous as someone who knows nothing about a substance at all. I'm just here to separate hearsay from facts and assist people.
You people can believe me if you want but i have NO REASON to give false info and bad facts. And YES you are being harsh.. I used tussin for a year straight and believe me i know what the fuck im talking about. If i could go back in time i would beat my own ass for being such an idiot as i seriously regreat my use of this stuff. I do not advocate the Abuse of cough syrup as it will do damage to your body no if ands or buts about it.