First time Fimming, and it shows.. high rez pics... need criticism?


Well-Known Member
I'm far from an expert, but from what I've seen and what I see that you've done. I'd say that you aren't taking enough from the middle, you are micro leaf clipping, that's why the deformation. The fim'ing I've done and all the illistrations show a bowl type structure when finished, not just clipped straight across. removing all the new tips completely from the middle......
Any EXPERTS want to jump in here? I'm Fim'ing and want to be doing it correctly as well. I did fim an outdoor (for the expierience) a Bahia Black. I now has 6 mains. nice.......


Well-Known Member
I think it looks well man , keep on fimming them throught out untill it your ready to flower them it will work out well


Well-Known Member
Hey, man shit looks good. I went with the topping technique in my grow and I agree the results are phenomenal. Next grow I plan on topping it a few times. Anyone know the max you should top the plant?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input guys... but that is as low as I can cut them with the small scissors of have.... I'll try again with a razor blade tonight and post pics.... I want to get this down.

Id let them recover for a few days it looks like you did the job man .. Give them time to heal and then your can fimm the new growth again if you wished ..

best of luck h4lbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
That three shoot thing looks sweet :) I've tried topping two plants (unfortunately turned out male. may have stressed them out too late in veg) and it worked pretty well. Maybe I'll try some fiming next year