First time germination and grow incoming :)


So I'm starting my first grow put my seeds in a cup of water 4 hours ago 3 have sank 2 are still on the top should I be worried there in a dark cupboard at average room temp


Well-Known Member
no dont worry! after 24H if it stills on surface try to sank it gently with ur finger and u should be OK
i usually put them in a half cup of water in a dark cupboard compartment and after 2 days they have normally cracked. royal queen seeds usually.


Does my above post sound like that okay ? And also when playing the taproot into soil is it worth me using the rooting product I brought called Great White ?


Well-Known Member
just plan it taproot down. i put mine in a paper towel (folded up and wetted), then sealed in a tupperware container in darkness for 2 days. then planted, tap root down in soil. i use FFLW. water only no nutes. im using a 6500k daylight bulb (2 4' t8 tubes) running 24/7. its been 8 days since mine sprouted. i have 6 that are about 4' and show 2 sets of leaves (4), one more slow slow grower poking out the starting cube (about 3/4"), and 2 that are duds. seedlings were put in 1qt containers. seed starters and now seedlings are in a humidome, and a heat mat. my basement tent grow is 65*, so need the extra warmth.


Well-Known Member
water ONLY till you get 2 nodes, then light nutes.

think of it like this. a seedling is like a new born baby. would you give your new born baby some soda pop, a red bull, coffee? then apply the same guidelines.


water ONLY till you get 2 nodes, then light nutes.

think of it like this. a seedling is like a new born baby. would you give your new born baby some soda pop, a red bull, coffee? then apply the same guidelines.
Thanks buddy , how much water as a seedling and do I water it as soon as put it in the soil , I'm using plagron light mix


New Member
Honestly dude calm down. If your worrying this much then you will have a long long grow. Just sit back and let the seed/plant do its thing


Well-Known Member
ok, i know everyone starts out a newb. shit im still a newb. but i did months of research and reading up on grows, setting up and into flowering. different soil choice, nute choices, organic or chem. i strongly suggest you do some of that searching yourself. you will learn more that way than asking 10 questions in a single thread.

ill ansewer this Q as well. i put my germ seeds in a seed starter kit. watered daily or every other day to keep moist. now im in 1qt grow containers. i water when needed. i lift the pot and feel the weight, and do the finger test. finger in soil about 3/4"-1". if dry, i water, if moist soil comes out, i wait another day.

be patient, and relax. dont rush ito getting your plant super tall super quick, as is isnt gonna happen. sit back and relax. and search and learn about growing. its what i did, and countless of thousands of growers have done or are currently doing.