First Time- God's Gift

Rain Dancer

Using a 400 watt hooded light in a 5 x 5 grow tent with a 4 in. size fan (going to the next size up on my next paycheck) with the noise clamp and the filter all hooked up.

Got 2 clones of God's Gift- will post pictures later when I remember where I put the camcorder cable. Have no fear, I will find it without fail.

I was told that God's Gift has a good tolerance for a little under or over watering and good tolerance for nutrients so I chose that strain for my first plant. I talked to the grower who provided my clones and was told the water in my city tends to have a Ph of 7.0 or higher while the mother my clones were clipped from enjoys a Ph of more 6.5 - 6.8.
I havent checked the Ph in the water yet- need to calibrate my Ph meter first- so I havent added any Ph Down but I did purchase a bottle to have on hand and plan on using very little amounts soon as I check the Ph of the water to make sure I need it.

Currently my clones, Fred and George we'll call them since Harry Potter is playing the background as I write this, are happily growing in their own indevidual red solo cups and have been given a shot glass full of room temp water since being brought home.
Will transplant into larger pots, thinking 3 gallon size for now, later today and are being kept on a 24 hrs light/ 0 hrs dark as recomended by their original grower for the next 2- 4 weeks.
I plan on waiting 4 weeks before starting forced flower? But that could change- not likely, but still possible. But I'm hoping to give my plant as much time as I can to develop good roots so that if I mess up some during flower cycle, Fred and George are less likely to just keel over. At least that's the logic that has served me well with other kinds of plants so that's my best guess.

I don't plan on using any nitrients for at least 2 weeks, maybe longer depending on how the plants are doing, but when I do I have a bottle of General Organics Bio Thrive for when I'm going to start feeding?

Any tips or warnings that I'm going to murder Fred and George with my bad gardening?

Rain Dancer

Just came across that rule of thumb ' if it's dry 3 inches down then it's time to water again' so I'm going home to check on Fred and George and lets hope my girls arent bone dry!

Rain Dancer

Came home today and Goerge has some discoloration on a few of the leaves. Can't tell if the discoloration is on all the new growth but judging from the newest leaves I can really see with any certainty there is some very pale green-ish, white-ish, yellow-ish sort of chemical burn looking deal radiating out from where the leaf meets the stem.
Taking some pictures with my trusty portable telephone machine and heading down to the grow store that supplied my set-up equipment to beg some advice.

Let's hope I didn't kill Goerge already.
A few questions: Did you check the Ph of the soil? Also, what type of light are you using? I'm just starting my first grow, so I'm kind of in the same ship as you at the moment.


I might have over looked it but what kind of soil are you using ? Also would recommend a cheap r/o filter just so you know where your water stands at all times

Rain Dancer

To CrispyGrowing

I havent checked the Ph of the soil yet. That was the plan but then my Ph meter has been acting all funky and won't calibrate... or I'm doing it wrong somehow- havent figured that one out.
They're still in the same soil they came in though, I havent put them in new pots yet. Wanted to let them aclimate to being moved before I re-potted them. Will be using Happy Frog organic soil when I pot them though.

I'm using a 400 watt hooded light. High sodium I think?

Rain Dancer

To oscart47

I'm going to be using Happy Frog organic soil when I re-pot Fred and George but for now theyre still sitting in what they came in.
An r/o filter? Reverse Osmosis filter right?
I'll google it cause I've never used one before- does it do anything for the Ph of the water? I only ask because the water in my city runs a little higher of a Ph then what the plants like.

Rain Dancer

George lives! At least so far. I ended up getting ahold of the orginal grower again, with no small effort by the way, and he told me that he's seen that before- I sent him probably to many pictures to make sure he could see it right when I asked his help (haha)- but recommended simply trimming off the bad leaves and waiting to see what happens.
So off with the leaves and George is still holding strong with no other signs of stress or weirdness and that gives me hope for the future.

Still havent mastered the Ph meter and I'm starting to think I might need a new one cause the thing just refuses to calibrate. [Perhaps throwing it will help?] Though the girls don't seem to be bothered by the water, at least not yet, I want to at least be able to check the soil before I pot them so another trip to the grow store might be in order.

Found out we had a temp issue. The tent always seems to be in the process of getting too hot or too cold but I've so far managed to keep things between 75 and 80- mostly hovering back and forth between 76- 78.5 which they seem ok with so far. Any tips on the sorts of temperatures God's Gift likes?


Yes reverse osmosis . It filters out all additives an what not giving you a pretty much mineral and chemical free water . Only way I have heard of to get rid of the chloramine in water . Just need to make sure to add a cal/mag supplement into feeding as the water will no longer have that . Mine has been coming out at about 6.7 steady .

Rain Dancer

To oscart47

Thanks for the tip! I'm looking up a few more things about r/o filters and how to use them but it sounds like something I would like to use, depending on the cost (this is currently a low budget grow until other life nonesense works out) and how many other minerals I would need to add to the plants to keep them happy but if it's keeping your Ph at 6.7 that would be perfect- do you know what your water Ph is before the filter? Just to see the difference in Ph

But again, thanks for the tip! Very helpful!

Rain Dancer

So this morning we go check on Fred and George and find these little spots of really fine white powder on a few of George's bigger leaves. Nothing on Fred and I moved her a little bit further away from George but I'm not sure what it is. I've seen the normal white powdery mildew and this doesn't look the same... any ideas? Does white powdery mildew come in little leaf spots too?
Took some pictures and we're going to ask the guy at the grow shop while we stop by to see if they have any fans. For some reason all the big hardware stores and walmarts in the area only have box fans until things warm up and I'm not so sure I want a box fan in the tent.

I shall return with any news! Farewell!


I think the water here naturally ph's around 6.8 , but because of fluctuations , and the odd contamination in the water plant i prefer to use the r/o . What I hear my town has the best water around . little bit pf prevention goes a long way .


Active Member
So this morning we go check on Fred and George and find these little spots of really fine white powder on a few of George's bigger leaves. Nothing on Fred and I moved her a little bit further away from George but I'm not sure what it is. I've seen the normal white powdery mildew and this doesn't look the same... any ideas? Does white powdery mildew come in little leaf spots too?
Took some pictures and we're going to ask the guy at the grow shop while we stop by to see if they have any fans. For some reason all the big hardware stores and walmarts in the area only have box fans until things warm up and I'm not so sure I want a box fan in the tent.

I shall return with any news! Farewell!

might be bug related? can you see any bugs hanging around under the leaves?

Rain Dancer

To geelong

I thought maybe bugs too and I have been checked out both the girls really closely several times a day to check for bugs and havent found any yet so I think it's safe to say if I havent found a bug yet it's safe to say that there's no bugs to be found. Unless perhaps the bugs have a hidey hole somewhere NOT around the plants? Does that happen?

To oscart47

Thanks for all your advice. Our water plant doesnt have the greatest history either so I do want to get an r/o filter but it may have to be for my next grow since the low budget is remaining a very low budget you know what I'm saying? Found a few that look good but $$$
But again, thank you :)

Rain Dancer

Randomly went in and checked the plants somewhere in the ballpark of 3am- found George exactly the same as I'd left her, little faintly powdery spots no bigger and none have appeared on any new leaves but Fred looked a little unhappy. No discoloration anywhere and has been growinbg steadily but some a the leaves seem a little more wrinkled than usual and she just looked a tad droopy- not very much but a little bit
Checked Fred very carefully for any white powdery spots and didn't find anything other than the soil being a little too dry. Perhaps I just under-watered a little yesterday? Gave them both a shot of water (since they were still in their solo cups) and will check on them later to see if water was what she needed. Will put Fred and George in new 3 gal pots if they look a little happier later.

Rain Dancer

Went in and checked the plants and now the tables have turned- George is down to a few white powdery spots on one leaf while Fred has some serious wrinkling going on on some of the older leaves.
I haven't given them any nutrients or done anything different so maybe the Ph in my water is off? I still haven't been able to check it since payday isnt until tomarrow and I appearently need Buffer Solution.

Is that a Ph issue? Wrinkling on some of the older leaves? No discoloration and even growth seems perfectly fine and I can't think of anything else it could be. Checked both plants carefully for any bugs or anything just to rule that out... unless perhaps we just stressed them out cause in the last 2 days the temp has dropped lower then we normally keep it. Dropped to 69.8 one time and 70.4 another and we normally keep it between 75 and 78- cpuld that cause wrinkling?

Anyways, going to call the Grow Gear guy to see if Buffer Solution just happens to be like five bucks and will return at a later time. Any advice or ideas is much appreciated!