First Time Grow 1 Killer Bag Seed, DWC, 2 x 150 HPS - TONS OF PICS


Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone,
This is my first attemt at growing indoors and on top of that DWC.

I figured, if I am going to grow I am going to post a grow journal for you guys to watch my progress.

After all: Rollitup has helped me with so many outdoor crops it's unbelievable..

The first place that came to mind to keep a journal was Rollitup.

So here I am.
I started off with a bag seed from some killer bud.


Reason #1: I Like My Smoke

Reason #2: Relocation, Relocation,Relocation (Read Below)

I just moved to Ont from Vancouver for my job and there is no good smoke anywhere around here.
(it's all fluffy barely any buzz, some of it is brown, alot of oil but thats not my thing. The bottom line is: I like my smoke.
Surely you can all imagine my dilemma

I have properly prepared myself for this by gathering many different strains of high potency bud from various people I know and always saving those killer seeds from that bag of pot you only get once every 3 months.

I am doing this DWC, feeding Her with Advanced Nutrients, Iguana Juice Grow during Veg and Advanced Nutrients Iguana juice Bloom during Flower.

2 x Sun Systems 150 watt HPS (3-4 inches above tops) to Flower = 32000 Lumens - 300 Watts HPS.

The largest airpump wallmart had available and an airstone that aerates the hydroponic solution sufficiently.

Bag Seed (unknown Strain) - 56 Days Veg 18/6

I put the Bag Seed into flower 4 days ago 12/12.

She was starting to show signs of her sex, under 18/6.
2 weeks after I topped or pinched the top of the plant
( I love it when a good thing gets better)

So I decided to tie down the top of the plant/ LST 3 days ago to allow more light to reach the lower branches (after reading a bunch on the Rollitup Forums).
Hopefully I will maximize my yield (But who knows what will happen. Mainly I will learn a thing or two).
I am using 30L of hydroponic solution in my resevoir.

All of the fan leaves started to droop yesterday, after some research (on the Rollitup Forums)
I soon realized that She wasn't taking in any nutrients due to the PH.

I went and pulled out the Trusty Pheno Red Kit and went to work. Looking to see if this in fact was the problem

Almost immediately I realized that my ph was 7.0 / 7.5
I decided to add vinegar to the solution to help bring the ph down earlier today.

So I added 15mL of vinegar to my 30L of hydroponic Solution in my Resevoir and my ph is slightly under 6.5 (6 hours later)

I'm not too sure if the PH in fact was the problem, but She seems to be opening up to me.:clap:

We will know more as the days go on..

Here are some pictures: Day 4 of Flower 60 Days Old..

When I changed the Bag Seed plant from the 6 Plant set up and put it into the new resevoir I only fed it with Advanced Nutrients Iguana Juice Bloom. (should I have also fed it Advanced Nutrients Iguana Juice Grow?)
One more Question:
Is there a reason She doesnt smell at all yet??

:idea:Anymore tips or advice anyone can give me is greatly appreciated.:idea:

I hope everyone enjoyed my first Journal entry.

I will have an update tomorrow

I will also be starting another journal for my 6 kushlings I have currently in Veg. (Started them 20 days ago) They smell so potent compared to this plant.. They smell So Good !!

for more pictures of this grow and more grows to come please visit my albums.

:leaf:Ciao for now:leaf:


Well-Known Member

Welcome back again to my grow journal: entry #2

If you are not sure what is going on here, I'll give you the Low-Down:
1 KILLER BAG SEED, DWC, 2 x 150 watt HPS, Advanced Nutrients Iguana Juice Grow and Advanced Nutrients Iguana Juice Bloom Only.

Well I think She is taking a liking to the newly aquired PH levels in the resevoir (PH 5.5 when i checked this morning),
I am going to guess that this is a good thing, considering that Advanced Nutrients recommends PH 5.6 for there Organic Nutrients (in Hydroponics)
She has started to shoot back up, I had to tie her down again this morning when I got up.
I will make sure to take pictures of her tomorrow morning to show how much she grows while she sleeps.
Alot more little hairs sprouting all over her bud-sites today, I didn't even have to search like I did yesterday. (this is exciting).

She is starting to become a little smelly, so please disregard the question regarding smell in my previous journal entry.
However, I would appreciate any thoughts anyone has on what strain this might be.

I am still not sure what strain she is, although I do remember the smoke being a very heavy Body/Mind stone.. (Definately couch weed).

Here are some pictures that I took earlier today of the lady. (SHE DEFINATELY DOESNT LOOK VERY PRETTY) (if you were wondering the red bucket (coffee can) is another DWC system currently giving one of the kushlings light under the 300HPS. (That Journal Will Start Soon).




Well that concludes my Journal entry for the day.

Hope you enjoyed reading, talk to you guys tomorrow: Day 62

For more pictures of this grow and more grows to come please visit my albums.

:leaf:Ciao for now:leaf:
Subscribed...Can't wait for the harvest!!!!!:shock:
looking rad. Been thinking about this setup for a run too, so i'm currious to see how this goes for ya

always good to see how certain brands of nutes hold up in the real world, it really helps beginners for sure....personally, i've been looking for pics of Adavnced nutes grows since I can't post my own - stupid camera - so i can compare my progress




Well-Known Member
Welcome back everyone

If you are not sure what is going on here, I'll give you the Low-Down:
1 KILLER BAG SEED, DWC, 2 x 150 watt HPS, Advanced Nutrients Iguana Juice Grow and Advanced Nutrients Iguana Juice Bloom Only.

Ok so today I woke up had a coffee and a cigarette, I decided to go and look at my girl..
It appears that she has supercropped herself..
I am not too sure how this has happened, but it doesn't seem to be affecting her growth any.

Question: is this bad ?? If so How bad?? Day 6 of flower..

PH Is still 5.5 which is great, everything seems to be stable.. (who would've thought Vinegar reduces PH).. Ha !

She is starting to fill out and get big. she seems so much bigger this morning than last night.. (maby I'm just not high) :cry:

None the less it is definately going to be worth it when she is finished flowering. :hump:

Some Pictures for you guys to enjoy of the lady

The Two Tops Coming Along Very Nicely !!

Excellent looking Flowers starting to form

Well that concludes my Journal entry for the day.

Hope you enjoyed reading, talk to you guys tomorrow: Day 63

For more pictures of this grow and more grows to come please visit my albums.

:leaf:Ciao for now:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Welcome back again everyone.

Well, last night I decided that I wanted to take a few clones off of her for future use, and also allow more bud to hopefully be produced on the top of the plant.
I am not a big fan of popcorn buds at the same time if this turns out to be a good strain then I'd better have a clone (or 2 or 3) to breed.
So that I at least have an abundance of seeds (or a killer breed) for future use.
I will only breed it with the Kush plants, if any of them are males that is.
But then again who knows it could turn out to to be shwag (after all this my first indoor. DWC on top of that).

So I put the 3 clones into my smallest (newly made) bubbler bucket in hopes of having them root (Using Only- Advanced Nutrients, Iguana Juice: Grow in the bubbler) I am not using any cloning or rooting gel.

I'll do a follow-up in the next few days on there status

Meanwhile she is seeming to be alright with the new trim, I can see alot more starting to form on the bud-sites. I think that she will yield a very decent ammount.
There are a tonne of small bud-sites all over starting to spew out little hairs and gaining strength by the hour.
The tops are starting to turn a really nice dark green tone. it looks like a blanket of bud is going to form soon.


Here are some pics of the girl 7 days into flower NICE LOOKING ABUNDANCE OF BUDSITES




Well that concludes my Journal entry for the day.

Hope you enjoyed reading, talk to you guys tomorrow: Day 64

For more pictures of this grow and more grows to come please visit my albums.

:leaf:Ciao for now:leaf:


Well-Known Member
You need to correct what looks like a NUTE or PH problem ASAP
I have just recently corrected the PH about 2 days ago.. she's starting to bounce back.

Those big fan leaves have always been ugly like that. I dont know why, but it doesn't seem to be affecting the other leaves or growth of the plant

What do you recommend?? My PH is 5.5
I am using the recommended ammount of nutrients ect.



Well-Known Member
Welcome back again to my grow journal: entry #5 DAY 65

If you are not sure what is going on here, I'll give you the Low-Down:
1 KILLER BAG SEED, DWC, 2 x 150 watt HPS, Advanced Nutrients Iguana Juice Grow and Advanced Nutrients Iguana Juice Bloom Only.

So I havn't made an entry for the past few days,
Since the last entry, she has started to blow up tremendously.

PH is great (5.5), Temps are staying at 74

Everything is seems like it's going great.

Buds are starting to form already..

She doesn't smell very much, It could just be the strain. I can still smell some fruityness but it's not potent.. I guess the next few days that will all change

It looks to me like she might put out a very decent yield for 2 x 150 watt HPS.
There are a tonne of large bud-sites starting to form. I counted 23 Bud-Sites of decent size on Her This-morning The stock is thicker than my finger and the Shoots are starting to get really thick
Not a very high ammount of visible THC forming on her yet.
Hopefully she will start to become caked with crystals.

We shall all see as the days go-on.

Here are some pics of the lady

(DAY 64)


Well that concludes my Journal entry for the day.

Hope you enjoyed reading, Stay tuned for more action: Day 66

For more pictures of this grow and more grows to come please visit my albums.

:leaf:Ciao for now:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Welcome back again to my grow journal: entry #6 DAY 71

If you are not sure what is going on here, I'll give you the Low-Down:
1 KILLER BAG SEED, DWC, 2 x 150 watt HPS, Advanced Nutrients Iguana Juice Grow and Advanced Nutrients Iguana Juice Bloom Only.

So it has been 6 days since my last entry.
It seems that everything is going really well.
The buds are putting on more and more weight everyday and the buds look like they are going to be really dense.

I have taken pictures of day 68 (12 days flower) and day 71 (15 days flower) below.

Enjoy The Pics !!

DAY 68 12 days into flower

DAY 71 15 days into flower

THE ROOT SYSTEM 15 days flower (nice and healthy looking)

Well that concludes my Journal entry for today.

Hope you enjoyed reading, Stay tuned for more action:

For more pictures of this grow and more grows to come please visit my albums.

:leaf:Ciao for now:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Welcome back again to my grow journal: entry #7 DAY 77

If you are not sure what is going on here, I'll give you the Low-Down:
1 KILLER BAG SEED, DWC, 2 x 150 watt HPS, Advanced Nutrients Iguana Juice Grow and Advanced Nutrients Iguana Juice Bloom Only.

So it has been 6 days (again) since my last entry.
everything is going great
The buds are putting on more and more weight everyday and the buds look like they are going to be really dense.


Well that concludes my Journal entry for today.

Hope you enjoyed reading, Stay tuned for more action:

For more pictures of this grow and more grows to come please visit my albums.

:leaf:Ciao for now:leaf:


Well-Known Member
wow man that looks amazing so far, ill subscribe :weed:
Maybe....... u can help me along my way lol, i have 1 plant that is now about 1 week into flowering(first grow) and i am using a 150 watt hps that looks just like yours.
Everything has been going very smooth so far except, yesterday morning i noticed that the whole lower part of the plants leaves were drooping very bad. What makes it even worste, i had to go out of town and so i wont make it back until tomorrow night. So the only time i run into a prob, i g2g out of town :cry:.
My first thought when i saw the drooping leaves was maybe there not getting enough light, so i added a 68 watt cfl on the lower side. But then later i started thinking/hoping, maybe it was just thirsty? I think i went 3 days w/o watering, i usually water every 2 days but since i was going ot of town i figured i would wait 1 more day before watering. Needless to say i drenched it before i left.
Here is another prob tho, when i added the cfl, i thought the plant wasnt getting enough light, so i put it about 1-2 inches away from the wilted fan leaves, but if it was just thirsty, i would assume that it would perk right up. That being said, now im afraid when i get back the cfl will be allllll on the plant.
I wonder how much damage that will cause for the cfl to be pressed against the plant for 2 1/2 days? Should i be freaking out ?
i took these pics i think about 2 days before the major wilting occured

100_0935.jpg 100_0934.jpg


Well-Known Member
Thanks for subscribing to my grow !! It sounds like it might be a PH problem, check your Ph levels, What are the levels at. Another thing I am wondering; what nutrients are you using, so far your plant is looking good. Are you keeping a journal of your grow?? If so I'm Subscribed !! Peace out Brother,


Well-Known Member
Welcome back to my Grow, DAY 26 of flower 82 days since germination.. 1 Killer Bag Seed, using advanced nutrients Iguana Juice Only, DWC.


Enjoy The Pics !!


Well that concludes my Journal entry for the day.

Hope you enjoyed reading, Stay tuned for more action:

For more pictures of this grow and more grows to come please visit my albums.

:leaf:Ciao for now:leaf:


Welcome back to my Grow, DAY 26 of flower 82 days since germination.. 1 Killer Bag Seed, using advanced nutrients Iguana Juice Only, DWC.


Enjoy The Pics !!


Well that concludes my Journal entry for the day.

Hope you enjoyed reading, Stay tuned for more action:

For more pictures of this grow and more grows to come please visit my albums.

:leaf:Ciao for now:leaf:

looks awesome to me.

I've never tried
Advanced Nutrients Iguana Juice Grow and Advanced Nutrients Iguana Juice Bloom, but I've been tempted....

good to see this grow in action - looks f--in amazing...

do you think it's just the nutes or do you have some other tricks you can share?



Well-Known Member
Subscribed. Looks like we are at almost identical stages! I just hit the 4 week flowering mark today.