First time grow - 600w SCROG with White Widow


My setup -
600w digital Lumatek Ballast
TT150 extractor fan
Carbon filter and intake filter
Powerplant Ultralite reflector
currently 8 white widows of unknown sex
1.2m x 1.2m x 2m(high) cabinet
Fox farm tiger bloom
Also I have a two tube 48w(I think) T5 for clones and mother plant



pictures are -
my exhaust fan fitted ready to take the carbon filter once I have a mount for it
digital ballast mounted on the outside
and my intake filter



These are my 8 white widows. They've been under T5's for about 10-15 days.
As soon as my reflector and bulbs come they will be getting put into bigger pots and put under the 600w MH.

Any comments/ criticism/ advice is more than welcome

Mr G row

Well-Known Member
plants are looking good! but if i was you i would not scrog if you dont know the sex of the plants you need all female really, i would go for low stress training or just topping them an then it will be easy to separate the girls from the boys, save doing a scrog for when you can get all girl plants, post a pic of you full setup when its done,


good point regarding the scrog.
The reflector and bulbs turned up today so the little fuckers are now under 600watts...
except an oscillating fan and potching with the access panels it's pretty much done. I'll post some pictures tomorrow.


The ones at the back have been topped, middle two untouched and the front 3 have been fim'ed.
Any suggestions on the problem with the bottom leaves on the plant at the back?

Mr G row

Well-Known Member
nice setup mate, how did the fim go? did it work? dont worry about the yellowing leaves i think its normal just keep an eye out for it getting worse, other than that they are looking healthy! what sort of soil do you have them in? are you feeding yet?


Well-Known Member
Nice setup, I am growing some white widow as well. Check out my Grow Journal as I have started mine from seed, etc. Will stay tuned in to this grow as well.


Charlie Who?

Active Member
You're doing great. Dont worry---ALL we growers CAN do is provide the nutes, lights and TLC. The plant does the rest! Yours are gonna be fine from the looks of things.

Which breeder's WW did you buy?

Every breeder sells his version of this legendary strain and some are better than others. Ive grow three, maybe four different WW's, LOL...and each was different ...but all of them were damn fine weed. My very first grow was WW from and frankly, it was just as good as Mr.Nice Black Widow,( the original WW).



The results on the topping, fim'ing are still out. I can see a big difference in the topped plants, but as to which is best I'll see when they go to flower. Just regular compost this time round. Will be using better stuff once I've got the mother plant set up etc. I got some regular nutes at the moment and some fox farm tiger bloom for flower.

I wont be scroging this time. I'm looking to pick the best female this time round for my mother plant and then use clones and a screen.

Unsure of the breeder to be honest. Maybe marijuana seed bank (something along those lines)

cheers for all the positive comments


Just put them into flower. They look healthy to me. I think the pots are too small, however until I weed out some of them there isn't much room for larger pots (only intended for four plants). I'm getting the screen ready more as something to tie supporting lines from incase the plants start to topple. I got two clones from each plant and they all seem to be rooting. I doubt any of them will be ready to use as a mother by the time I've harvested so I'm considering a re-veg. Anyway... pictures flower2.jpgflower1.jpg


Well-Known Member
Just put them into flower. They look healthy to me. I think the pots are too small, however until I weed out some of them there isn't much room for larger pots (only intended for four plants). I'm getting the screen ready more as something to tie supporting lines from incase the plants start to topple. I got two clones from each plant and they all seem to be rooting. I doubt any of them will be ready to use as a mother by the time I've harvested so I'm considering a re-veg. Anyway... pictures View attachment 1773012View attachment 1773014
If you are just putting them into flower and you have cut clones they will be ready to provide clones before you harvest for sure, even if you harvest early at 7-9 weeks those clones can be 4ft tall by then; you will not need to re-veg.



Just sexed them. I had two which looked male - now dead! The other 6 are either female or hermie. They look good though, so I'm confident.
So now I'm down to 6 plants from 10. 1 didn't germinate, 1 died young and two males. I've discarded a further two clones (which are all label so I know which plant they came from), on top of the male ones, as they were not rooting. I don't intend on taking anymore cutting from those plants to replace the ones I discarded... if they don't root easily why would I want it as a mother plant?!?!
I'm going to rate the four clones I got left based on the size of the root mass initially (I would consider this a sign of how easily they can be cloned? ), how rapidly they grow and finally the yield from the plant they came from.

The last point will cause a small problem. The only light I got beside the main 600w is a 2x24w T5. Once everything is setup all I will have is my mother plant and 4 (increasing after a few crops to 8 ) clones, thus such a small T5. Obviously I don't want to discard anymore of the clones until I can see how well the plants yield but, I can't have 4 mother plants plus 4 clones from each under such a small light.
My choices seem to be
- one clone from each plant
- 4 clones from the strongest looking clone

either way, since buying a larger light is not an option, I most likely wont be running my final setup until my 3rd grow.

does anyone have any experience with mother plants and clones? if so how much light? how many mother plants and clones? how long are they left under there? how big are they when you usually move them under your main light.

I want to eventually get a pretty efficient setup where I'm not wasting time or electricity. Any suggestions would be welcome.



also, I forgot to mention about my venture into FIM and topping.
I figure I must of FIM'ed wrong because I've had 0 luck. The plants have come off large and healthy but, only 1 main growing point!
Topping - great!!! The plants that got topped had it twice (once to the top then again to the two tops) so now I've got very bushy plants with four tops.

for final comparison I got two that have been untouched, two topped and two I attempted to FIM. So after harvest I can compare yield. Either way, since I plan to scrog I figure I will atleast have to top to allow me to fill the screen.


Added my screen today. I know it's not ideal to do it so late! As pointed out by Mr G row it wouldn't of worked to do the scrog before I had sexed the plants.
I'll upload some pictures soon, once the plants have adjusted to the screen


sick plants!
looks like nitrogen deficiency mainly. Wondering if this is normal in the large fan leaves during flowering? Some of them are dropping off.
The one leaf looks like either calcium or boron. Personally I'd go with calcium. Using fox farm nutes and I can't check pH until I'm in work next (have a lab in work)
Any help would be appreciated. I have checked the forums already and I think I know what the problems are, I'm just not 100% due to my lack of experience