First time grow . And looking for some knowledge


Two of em look good especially the one in the middle. It's the one on the end that i'm worried about. I'm using Ocean Forest potting soil and a 200w CFL. I can't figure out why the little girl on the end is struggling.


i dont know alot about growing but the last plant looks to yellow not sure if thats a good thing did u water ur plants ? try spraying some water in the leafs


Well-Known Member
The plants are just fine for their age. Some seeds naturally thrive better than others, but the slow growers typically keep up in the long run. At that age you mist and water them and hope for the best.


The Light is about 2 or 3 inches from the plants. I watered them monday morn but haven't since then. Moisture meter reads "wet" towards the bottom of the pots and "moist" towards the middle/surface. I've read somewhere that at this young stage the plants don't need a fan but I have been using one. Could that be the issue? I'm just worried about the browning of the leaves on the last plant look like she's dying.


sorry bro just noticed my plant is the same as urs i just started 2 days ago and it sprouted fast dont worry its just your plant hasnot produced enough Chlorophyll