First time grow and need some help please


Hey guys just started my first grow and going through flowering.

My questions are,

How far i might be till i harvest?

Plant I.D if possible? Seeds were from a mate.

When i was checking out the trichome at the tips are an amber colour??

Sorry if the pics arent too good camera isnt the best.

Thanks in advance to anyone that can help me.


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you want the trichromes to be cloudy white and NOT amber (to old) or NOT clear (to young)... depends on the strain you have some have short flowering and some have longer (usually additional two weeks) times in the flowering cycle... BUT if you are using hydro it's weeks earlier.. so really I need more info...

...plant id... I don't know... lol smoke many varieties and compare... I want to say that looks like chronic, or ak-47, or even a haze ... idk

here's a tip: when most of the trichromes are cloud white - cut it (45 degree angle) and place the plant in a vase with water (0 ppm, and roughly ph7) for a day... all the nuits will rise and expand outward to the buds (giving it a higher thc %)... sweetness...
Sorry dis-regard the trichome amber colour was the pistil?: i think i was regarding too.

Its a hydro grow and about 4 1/2 weeks flowering give or take

I had my partner look at it too and she is having problems seeing the trichome too with a magnifying glass they are so small!!!

Thanks for the tip never heard of that before but will def give it a go
here's a tip: when most of the trichromes are cloud white - cut it (45 degree angle) and place the plant in a vase with water (0 ppm, and roughly ph7) for a day... all the nuits will rise and expand outward to the buds (giving it a higher thc %)... sweetness...


This place gets better and better all the time lol.

So now rising nutes add to THC content lol.

Dan you're doing fine. It looks heavy sativa dominant so expect it to finish at around 11-15 weeks of flower.

Flowering time and ripeness is governed by the plant not by the fact you are using hydro.

Start browsing through the harvesting and curing threads in the main forum.


This place gets better and better all the time lol.

So now rising nutes add to THC content lol.

Dan you're doing fine. It looks heavy sativa dominant so expect it to finish at around 11-15 weeks of flower.

Flowering time and ripeness is governed by the plant not by the fact you are using hydro.

Start browsing through the harvesting and curing threads in the main forum.


LOL... you know what I mean...
i know you're giving out duff info.

next you'll be telling him to boil his roots to allow more resin to transport around the plant.


wow what a ball buster...

...i guess you don't know what I mean... run a search I believe the proper term is water "flushing". it's a common practice (in horticulture) to flush whatever remaining nutrients out (no im not referring to totally out)... Unflushed pot leaves black ash, is hard to keep lit and burns your throat. Pot which has been properly flushed is more flavorful and fragrant, burns easily, leaves grey ash, is easier on the throat and is much more pleasurable to smoke
im postive that u can flush with out haveing to cut them and put the cutling in to water to flush them,but hay if it works for u then role with it lol
i dont' doubt J's abilities infact i follow his advice on many things... but im kinda bummed with this new found attitude...
wow what a ball buster...

...i guess you don't know what I mean... run a search I believe the proper term is water "flushing". it's a common practice (in horticulture) to flush whatever remaining nutrients out or people flush the plants heavily with fresh water 2 weeks prior to harvesting them...

flushing yes i know what that is, it depends whether you practice it or not.

In hydro a flush lasts 7days
soil 2weeks of straight water
organics no need to flush.

What you're talking about with 45degree cut etc sounds like how i clone plants lol.

standing a plant in water for a day like you suggest is just wrong .

I have flushed and not flushed plants and the only noticeable differences in quality are before curing NO differences after a proper cure.

like i said befor everyone has there way of doing things no need to get down on someone about shareing there info even if its not whats in the norm , ,but it sounds like hes try io clone and flush at the same time
flushing yes i know what that is, it depends whether you practice it or not.

In hydro a flush lasts 7days
soil 2weeks of straight water
organics no need to flush.

What you're talking about with 45degree cut etc sounds like how i clone plants lol.

standing a plant in water for a day like you suggest is just wrong .

I have flushed and not flushed plants and the only noticeable differences in quality are before curing NO differences after a proper cure.


yes 45 degrees is for cloning... and it does not matter when your'e done... (it's just good practice or good habit forming)...
...i have to disagree with your thoughts on plain water, it is necessary (not all times) and does make a difference... but if it doesn't for your crops, then that means your grow was pretty damn good. i'm fairly new and i've tried several methods... so my newbie difference are more noticable...

thank you mushroom for your kind words...
the reason a flush is needed is generally if you have been over feeding constantly.

If you dont have good control over feed then yes flush..

If you have seriously yellowing plants at harvest time then the aroma and flavour are going to get lost. Chlorophyl is needed when going into drying and curing to help sugar breakdown etc . Read some of RIDDLEME's threads and you will see this proven.

omg!! you are reaching all the way out into the far end...because i dont think you fully understand what flushing is... you're thinking like it's only a one part process. I'm talking about before AND after (meaning after you cut cut the stem)...

you said "the reason a flush is needed is generally if you have been over feeding constantly" it doesn't matter whether or not you feed it constantly or whatever your nutrients are, or yellowing... you flush to remove everything but the thc... you don't want the nitrogen, you don't want anyting in the buds other than the thc... the essence of a flush is to remove all the stuff you gave it before you cut the plant out AND after you push/raise the thc %... now the only thing i can think of is the fact i typed raising the thc % so to clarify : I'm talking about the thc ratio to whatever else is in the bud... of course if you harvested say 18% thc you will always have that 18% no matter what... so you want all that 18% not mixed with what ever else...

...flushing before and after is good practice (not going to work with soil in the before phase)
...cutting stems at 45 degree angles is good practice...

seriously... these are my tips i've learned through trial and error (and doesn't hurt to practice or try out... definately not shit smelling especially (actually discovered in this past hour) sarah flowers (notable marijuana horticulturist) who practices as well...

so seriously... just because you don't like this method.. dosen't mean its wrong or shit smelling...

plus it's his first grow too.. wtf
Thanks very much for the info jondamon very helpful.

One more thing which i know is asked by alot of newbies by looking at my plants is there a rough estimate of how much yeild my plant will give? Give or take?

I will post more photos around the 11-15 week flowering stage.

Thanks again.