First time grow and need some help please

no one will ever know how much u will yield u will have to learn that for yrself ,but what everyone says an oz per foot
Ok thanks heaps mushroom man.

And thanks again for all the info guys, good or bad it helps me understand more than what i know.
no one will ever know how much u will yield u will have to learn that for yrself ,but what everyone says an oz per foot

it's even harder to predict what your potential yield is when you don't know what strain you have... if your really interested in what your yield is, then i recommend you compare your plant with other pictures seed sellers have to get a rough idea... idk
hell yea man i really hope u get ten pounds off yr plant lol remmebr u got to learn to know what yr doing ,it take time and when things keep going from one problem to the next just remmber u will know what to do when that times comes
omg!! you are reaching all the way out into the far end...because i dont think you fully understand what flushing is... you're thinking like it's only a one part process. I'm talking about before AND after (meaning after you cut cut the stem)...

you said "the reason a flush is needed is generally if you have been over feeding constantly" it doesn't matter whether or not you feed it constantly or whatever your nutrients are, or yellowing... you flush to remove everything but the thc... you don't want the nitrogen, you don't want anyting in the buds other than the thc... the essence of a flush is to remove all the stuff you gave it before you cut the plant out AND after you push/raise the thc %... now the only thing i can think of is the fact i typed raising the thc % so to clarify : I'm talking about the thc ratio to whatever else is in the bud... of course if you harvested say 18% thc you will always have that 18% no matter what... so you want all that 18% not mixed with what ever else...

...flushing before and after is good practice (not going to work with soil in the before phase)
...cutting stems at 45 degree angles is good practice...

seriously... these are my tips i've learned through trial and error (and doesn't hurt to practice or try out... definately not shit smelling especially (actually discovered in this past hour) sarah flowers (notable marijuana horticulturist) who practices as well...

so seriously... just because you don't like this method.. dosen't mean its wrong or shit smelling...

plus it's his first grow too.. wtf

So what you are saying is that after your flushing period and you are ready to harvest, YOU then cut all your branches off and soak them cut end in RO water?

If thats the case why not just soak the whole pot in a bucket of RO?

Personally i think this will cause too much water to be taken up at a point where you dont want masses of moisture.

If you were that concerened about THC you wouldnt smoke bud with any green matter you would choose kief.

Each to their own, but i may try a plant your way to see whether there is a noticeable difference.

I just can't see the benefit of doing it.

Any research i can read on the subject of doing it with MJ?
