First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!


Well-Known Member
ok so like i said I let them sit for 21 hours and already they seem to have grown a assuming they grow mostly at night like most other plants? should i be worried about them growing into the light bulbs again during the dark periods? often should i water during flowering and how often should I give em nutes? thanks guys...oh and here are some pictures for ya....

Edit: What the hell's up with plant number 3?



Active Member
have you sexed them yet? get some Vita B1, makes healthy root growth plus vigorous root growth. keep the lights at two inches above no grow into the light (shock). Take It Easy dude.


Well-Known Member
im not too sure about the sex yet...they dont seem to be showing it yet...then again...i didnt get a really good look...the one grew into the bulb(no burn tho), i swear to god the lights were at least 2 inches, they grow so damn fast during flowering! but yea, ill definitely go out and grab some Vits today if i will be up a little later


Well-Known Member
ITs a good idea, well before my lights go off , I move my light acouple extra inches up cause i figure, If they grow i dont wanna burn, n if they dont grow whats the few extra inches gonna hurt cause i wake up not too long after teh light to move it closer if they need it! That shit makes me mad too. One night can really make a difference


Well-Known Member
ITs a good idea, well before my lights go off , I move my light acouple extra inches up cause i figure, If they grow i dont wanna burn, n if they dont grow whats the few extra inches gonna hurt cause i wake up not too long after teh light to move it closer if they need it! That shit makes me mad too. One night can really make a difference
tru night and they shoot up outta no where! lol....well anyway here are the pics i promised....

This is the first, and biggest plant. Looks pretty good...still a little stretched but I buried most of that stem in the should be enough(at least I think)

This is the second, and best plant (in my opinion). Bushy, green, and short...good shit for some1 with space restrictions...

This is the third plant...looks horrible...this is the one i burned (only one leaf)...could that have stunted it for a little bit? Is that why it's not really showing any improvement? I'm not sure what the prob is...oh and I added another light if you guys havent noticed...sweet deal...

Edit: by the way...i believe the first plant is female...i think i see pistils comin thru...i kno i kno...ive said that b4 but i thnk this time its for real....i hope lol...ill wait a couple more days and try and get a picture up for you guys so you can verify...


Well-Known Member
Plant 2 looks real good man!

If that one plant has been through a lot of stress, then yea that might have stunted it a bit. It doesn't look that bad to me.

12/12 for me tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
your girls love your light,they're always reaching for it.....i was lmao when you said you thought you saw pistles:lol:...but everybody has to learn....when my plants were 2 weeks i thought they smelled like guess i was wanting it to be a girl sooo badd...but it was a dude.....anyway i am sooo subscribed...i wish i could help:cry:..but you got everything under control:mrgreen:...i cant wait to see how they do in a few weeks.....and you could flower any time you want,it just depends on you,and how big you want your girls to be:peace:


Well-Known Member
ok nice...yea mine definitely smell like weed now...but the little hairs....nooooooooot so sure...we'll see tho lol


Well-Known Member
yes cannabum13 you should see hairs in the next few dayys....your just playing the waiting game (sooo fun)


Well-Known Member
no... wat is it?

btw why do the 12/12 business? is the yield better? does it take longer to grow that way? i kno you were doing it or you did it cannaboy...what have you heard/know.


Well-Known Member
no... wat is it?

btw why do the 12/12 business? is the yield better? does it take longer to grow that way? i kno you were doing it or you did it cannaboy...what have you heard/know.

sensimilla is what your going to grow,weed with no seeds so the potency will be higher...way higher and so will you

i do 12/12 to keep my plants short because i have limited space at the moment...the yield will be less but most people grow alot of short plants that will be done half the time as a fully veged plant......i love the method because im impatient and i dont have space for a 5ft monster....but when my next grow room gets set up this summer i will have about 10 short plants in flower and 10 in vegg so i wont miss a beat,maybe even a mother for clones,12/12 from seed is the ultimate way to minimize growing current grows are just practice untill then


Well-Known Member
o ok cool...yea i hope i get sensimilla...gotta make sure none of em are male...and if they are they better not shoot their load all over the place lol...but cool yea, im germinating 2 more gonna try the 12/12 from seed...why not right? heh


Well-Known Member
lol....yea man get the 12/12 experience and the full grow experience.....i have yet to grow a plant to full potential but im not complainin....12/12 works just fine and i get buds more frequently


Well-Known Member
not yet...but when i get my new setup started i'll be getting a half pound every two months on schedule maybe more if i have enuff space