First Time Grow! Bagseed Closet Grow!


Well-Known Member
No, you will be looking at sept or oct most likely. When the days start to get shorter...

Those bitches will be huge by then.

Is that cannabum?


Well-Known Member
yea...i mean i could induce it...i could put a bag over them when i want them to go to sleep...but um...they maaaaaaay have a little battle tomorrow...its supposed to storm...bad. i hope they dont drown.


Well-Known Member
i think a bag would kill em......if your having second thoughts its not too late to repot em....


Well-Known Member
scratch that last post...i thnk im gonna grow some balls. lol i thnk since they will grow so big...i will just move them deeper into the woods so no1 will notice them...there! problem solved woo lol


Well-Known Member
it depends on how big they get...ive seen people harvest what looked like trees!!!.....have you grown with a 1000w hps??......well this is like growing with a 10,000w'll get pounds man....maybe multiple pounds off each of em:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
ok well i checked on them this morning...and wow they look awesome...droopy isnt even droopy anymore! woo lol...but they still have2 get thru this storm comin in...we'll see i guess....i hope nothing falls on them lol


Active Member
Hey Cannabum, been reading your journal as I'm a newbie too. Sucks that you have to hide everything. I think it's great that you just jumped into it (like me)... no better way to learn! And this forum is great btw.
One thing to consider though... what are the laws like where you live for growing a large amt, versus buying a small amount? I hate to induce paranoia among a group of stoners, but just think about the consequences, that's all. For me, I'm not into shady drug deals with people I don't know, especially in a strange town. I'd rather get busted for growing 1 or 2 plants than get involved with people I don't know. But your post about the drug test, and having to hide everything, and being in school makes me think that you have more to lose than someone who already has a good job, and won't get kicked out of school for a misdemeanor or a higher crime. Get what I'm saying? I don't want to be a buzzkill, just something to think about. Good luck and keep us up to date!
Also, if you are going to grow plants >5ft, save yourself some time and spread them out while they are still small so they don't fight for light soil and water. Peace.


Well-Known Member
yea man im right there with ya on that...thats why im growing...i wanna save money and the dealers by my school suck. so i figured if i could do it successfully id be able to smoke for free (for the most part). i was fine when i was at school because i don't have parents to worry my roomie grows too. we both have the same idea...smoke for free. but yea i figure ill just let those 3 plants do their thing out there and ill reap the benefits ya kno? at least i hope so lol...


Well-Known Member
ok guys...i did move them one last time i promise...all i did was spread them out in completely different spots so they wouldnt compete and it wouldnt look too suspicious...ill get pictures up tomorrow morning...its kinda raining right check back tmw morning...these bitches are gettin smelly already btw


Well-Known Member
ok i lied about the pictures haha...but im tryin to get a minute...hopefully later today, if not...then i guess tmw or monday ugh...sorry duuuuudes


Well-Known Member
ok well apparently i could take the pics today sooooo here they are....

Why are Droopy's lower bladed leaves turning yellow? I'm assuming it's nutrient deficiency? If so let me know so I can hurry my ass out there and get her some....haha

Spidey lookin fuckin sexy as hell...

Reach for the sky bitch! lol...Pizzle throwin her damn hands up...haha im fuckin retarded...

Yea so how do they look? The stems are already turning into stalks...oh and lemme kno about Droopy's leaves...thanks guys...:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I believe that's normal for the very bottom leaves to start turning yellow. Mine are doing that on plant 1 and it's doing fine.

See them reaching up? That's a good thing..that means they are really healthy.