first time grow... be nice

old shol4evr

Well-Known Member
i think they look great and agree with everyone else, everyone gonna try to sell you something but i say stick with what you got, add bulbs it cheaper on utility bill than my 400 watt and probaly a lot cooler to. that one might need some cal mag i don't no though , one of the more experienced grower probaly help u


Active Member
i suppose i am misinformed then. i've learned everything i know on this subject through internet research. i'm fully aware that some of the things i believe to be true are more than likely misinformation. i suppose on a budget it would be smarter to just buy an mh bulb and veg with that. i personally love my t5 but that also means i've never even fired up my mh bulb.

would you say that mh is better than t5? i have an mh bulb and am about to start a new grow.
Hey I veg. with a four foot cfl and also a 400 mh.20150114_183238.jpg


Well-Known Member
CFL's look too fat away. 1-3" is ideal fpr CFL's. Lose the reflectors and get them right down to 1-2" above plants. They will love it.


Active Member
Are you talking to me smoked? The 9not treason I don't put those t5's that close is so that the light of mh is not too close. I know mh will be a better not light source than cfl. Maybe I'll give it a try. Thanks.
CFL's look too fat away. 1-3" is ideal fpr CFL's. Lose the reflectors and get them right down to 1-2" above plants. They will love it.