First time Grow- Closet/DWC 400w hps


Well-Known Member
Just thought it would be cool to watch through different stages:weed:

My baby minus the front most Colas

--Trimming helper

the pile growing slowly but surely. We gathered up some of the collected resin from the scissors and balled it up and smoked with a pin under the measuring cup

-- close up after a couple more



Well-Known Member
We moved to floor on newspaper to dry better while we trim.

The other side on the floor.

The Biggest bud! Dwarfs the shit out of that can lol




Well-Known Member
One of my branches got choked out (light wise) and is pretty pale [experimental, marketing idea about to be set in place... will keep you updated]

--This is Terrorist Safe Weed Lol (similar to dolphin safe tuna...:hug:)Can you believe how far Propaganda will slump!

ok I lied... LOL jk jk please don't kick my door in eye in the sky, Fucking patriot act probably reading this as we speak.

I stole green Giants Wang

--think that's all b4 they're hung



Well-Known Member
Harvest up and hanging, any guesses on weight? guessing 8oz. hopefully its more.

--Afghan Buds

--left a little bit of her in to ripen

--Trying to see if this pretty healthy looking branch can be re-rooted, I used Rootech and cut a couple of places to see if she'll take root again just with normal light at first

I hope you enjoyed my first harvest! I will keep you updated with weight and eventually get a smoke report rolling. Post comments!!!


Well-Known Member
From ashes I will be returning... keep your ears to the ground because things are about to get very interesting!