First time grow, cupboard set up, 400w hps, Mazar kush and Barneys farm phat fruity


Active Member
Alright all, had a little accident yesterday - basically was messing with the timer and the light came on for approx 40 seconds right in the middle of the dark period. Does anybody know if this wil have any ill effect my plants cycle, or slow down growth? They are looking great btw, getting pretty damn big! Also have another problem, electrician is coming round and needs access to every room, now if i put bin bags over the plants during the dark period and leave them somewhere for a few hours will this be of much harm? Really worried as alls going so well! P.s will get some pictures up in the next week


Well-Known Member
dont worry at all about the 40 seconds, if these plants were growing naturally they would be exposed to light from the moon and perhaps other light sources from cars etc during the night with no effect whatsoever. and id double black bag the if you are going to be using lightweight bags to keep them light tight. nice grow though.. looking forward to the photos next week


Active Member
Thanks, you've put me right at ease! Good idea, I'l buy some heavy duty bags tomorrow. These flowers can't come soon enough, and i thought i was patient!!
Canny bloody wait


Active Member
Hi all, found camera lead so just a quick update. Pistils are forming, might be able to make it out in the pictures. Does anybody have any idea when I'm going to see flowers starting to form?DSCF6770.jpgDSCF6763.jpgDSCF6764.jpgDSCF6767.jpgDSCF6762.jpg
Thanks for looking!


Active Member

I am wondering though that for 8 week flowering strains they aren't very matured for their age. Only 5 weeks left until they 'should' be ready to crop. I'm thinking it may be an extra couple of weeks, anybody agree or will they fill out super quickly soon?


Active Member
I would keep them flowering til you see those tricoms. Always use a magtfine glass. to see the colors. You may see red hairs, but that doesn't really indicated anything. looks good man
Looks like you will have a lovely harvest ^.^


Active Member
Nice one Pkush! Its starting to finally get a bit more exiting with flowers finally forming. Yeh I have a friend i can borrow microscope tool of, cant wait till i actually have to use it. Right i'm gonna upload some pics of some leaves that are showing signs of deficiencies, I'm not sure if they are of much concern but if anyone could have a look and give some advise on how to handle it would be great. I know it may be nothing major but anything i can do to increase/enhance the bud growing i will do. Please check them out


Well-Known Member
dont worry about a slight bit of light getting in thru that pc fan,, total darkness isent natural anyways


Well-Known Member
What are you feeding them and how much, how often? Do you ph your water/feeding solution? Im inclined to say that they need some N as the leafs are a bit pale. Also those rusty looking spots point to a potential mg/ca def. Have you got epsom?


Active Member
Feeding Canna A + B once every other day. 2.5ml per litre and feeding 2 litres to each plant every other day. Yeh I was worried about the paleness of the leaves, didn't think the photo would show it, so u rate i should give more nutes? And na man I don't have epsom salts, they really worth getting though? Oh and yeh i ph to around 5.7 (growing in coco)


Active Member
Aye man, starting to tric up too its fucking exiting! Yeh been reading loads about drying and curing, will try my best to get it right!


Active Member
Day 45 flowering. Please let me know what you think! To me they don't look is if they are in day 45 considering they are both 8 week strains, I think they may take up to 10 - 11 weeks, anybody have thoughts on this? Also the phatt fruity seems to be growing multiple tops on the main cola, anybody experienced this before? Phatt fruity - DSCF6847.jpgPhatt fruity again - DSCF6850.jpgMazar Kussh -DSCF6851.jpgPhatt fruity again - DSCF6853.jpg Mazar - DSCF6854.jpg Mazar - DSCF6855.jpg

Thanks for looking


Active Member
Update with pictures, day 70 flowering. All was going well until I noticed male pollen banana's on the two Phat fruity's, I am putting this down to my excessive trimming too late in flower. You live & learn eh! Still only found & removed minimal numbers of banana's so growing them out as don't think they will have enough time to produce seeds. The Mazar Kush is looking the best, and thankfully has stayed all female. Been flushing one of the phat fruity's for approx 2 weeks and I'm pulling it down in a few days, the bud development is really fluffy, airy and no density. Will use this one for hash and cooking I think.
Thinking I'm going to leave the other 2 for another two or 3 weeks as most trics are cloudy but I want some amber too. Let me know what you think in terms of time left.. I'm curious though as they were all '8 week strains' and are probably going to finish in week 12 or 13, any idea's that this may be my fault? In terms of lighting of ventilation or something slowing growth quite considerably.

The phatt fruity I may turn into hash, its proper airy. - DSCF6945.jpg
The mazar, proudest piece of gardening yet! DSCF6964.jpg
Other phatt fruity, this has pale banana's put only found and removed 3. Will grow this till the end. DSCF6966.jpg

Would appreciate anyone's estimates on time until finished.

Look forward to your thoughts, if any!!