First Time Grow - Have Some Questions


This is our (me and my gf) first grow, we have 6 seedlings going. They've been doing pretty good, but 2 days ago started to notice brown/yellow starting at the tips of the leaves. The seedlings were started in pairs, the first two are 3 weeks-1 day old, the second two are 3 weeks old, and the last two are 1 week-3 days old. It's been really hot the last few days, and currently we're growing them in sunlight through our window - we get direct sunlight most of the day, at least 12 hours and then finish the last few hours on a total of 160w lights [planning on getting better/more/stronger lights soon]. So we're thinking the problem is heat, since its been upper 90's to 100 all this week but wanted an experienced opinion.

As of right now we're just watering with tap water, no nutes yet - also not sure when to start with them. Planning on using mixture of Miracle Grow All-Purpose (15-30-15) and Vigoro Rose Food (12-6-10) since that's what we have right now and unfortunately money is an issue. Should this be okay? We already know to start with 1/4 strength. We might also pick up Schultz Plant Food Plus (10-15-10).

Also going to be transplanting them soon (started in Solo Cups with proper drainage - lol), debating between soils. We want to use Fox Farms Ocean Forest, if money allows but if not, we're debating between Miracle Grow Moisture Control Potting Mix and Miracle Grow Organic Choice. Any opinions there?

That's all our questions for now, any responses will be appreciated.
Can we post pictures hosted thru Photobucket on here? We have pics of all seedlings from today.


bongsmilie Daniel & Amanda


Active Member
What type of soil are you using at the moment? is it prenuted?

Wait off on the nutes until this problem is resolved.

For the soil it really comes down to personal opinions I love to use Fox Farm never had issues with it.

and yes i do believe you can post photobucket hosted pics on here.
It deff sounds like a nute problem and I agree with pseudo.. Fox farms ocean forrest is prob some of the best soil to start with and can support you almost all the way till flower. Also I use photo bucket for my pics so yes you can.


okay here's some pictures... and also as far soil.. its some old potting soil we had laying around...

We label them accordingly so we could tell them all apart When we posted em.
Cheese 1 ( this one was More of one we saw most yellow on)
Cheese 2

Cheese (Amanda she Planted this one she says it was with "Love" )

Cheese (Daniel) I pretty much planted them all except one she did.
3Wks1Day-1.jpg3Wks1Day1-1.jpg 3Wks1Day2.jpg

and then Heres the Two Unknown Purple


Well-Known Member
yea nut burns .. maybe .. or .. heat .. or put in another way .. unders watering ?

do they use a lot of water in them small cups when its hot ?

did you water em a bit late at some point ? can you recall if they look dropy and cups was light ..

I had a plant who used a lot of water and grew fast .. I was late one day and tips of the leave became yellow then brown .. still just the tips of the old grow so no problem ..

look pretty much like that ..


Active Member
you need perlite in it to help with drainage without it roots can breath may be what your prob is when you transplan make sure you have some perlite in the mix


yea I've Been saying we need perlite to my girlfriend :)

as far watering I've been watering them when the soil about 2-3" from top is Dry... sticking a Pencil in the soil to make sure its wet or dry. they stay really moist in the cups actually.. I've been kinda concerned i don't have enough drainage holes .. Even though i have it like all around bottom of cup and on bottom of cup.

Whats a Good time to Start Throwing Nutes towards the plants? i was thinking in like two weeks or so? Give or take Let get use to there new surroundings(pots)


Well-Known Member
If you have to use MG soil use the organic and add perlite til its about 20%. Tbsp of dolomite per gallon of soil. You won't need nutes for quite awhile with MG soil.


Well-Known Member
yea that .. or go with 20-30% coco ... sand can also be used and lega/hydro/clay nuts even .. all you need is some drain and some air pockets ..

I also like to keep them lega nuts in the bottom and top 2 inch`s

in the bottom to insure good drain and so the roots dont sit in wet soil all the time ..

wet soil in the bottom also tent to go acid/low PH over time ..

and at the top to give the roots some peace/darkness .. so the roots can use the hole pot and so you dont pure water at em/top soil .. will also let the water runn/spred even ..

and keep the soil in the pots and they also look nice .. I bet your GF like the last two ;)

I made a mix so I need next to non nuts and dont have to worry about PH in my water

30% Organic soil
10% perlit
10% wormcastin
20% peetmoss
30% coco fibers

then a few things like:

blood and bone meal for N. and P. mostly
Mearl/lime for calium and PH buffer and trace elements
Epsom salt for Magnesium and sulfor
Bat Guano for P. and micros
a littel Kelp for K. and more trace elements and to help root grow


To help with drainage, would pebbles/small rocks in bottom of pot work as well? I know I've done that in other potted plants before, I was thinking it would work the same. Also, we were thinking of getting Monteray Fish & Guano Liquid Fertilizer and maybe blood and bone meal if we can afford that along with the soil. Planning on getting new pots tonight, and soil no later than next Friday (waiting for money to come in sucks).


Agree on the drainage. If you cant get perlite put bigger holes in the cup and try and aerate the soil a little bit with that pencil. Stay to the outside third of the cup so you don't damage any roots. On the nutes. I would not recommend using both as you'll most likely burn the hell out of your plants. Either of those should be ok to get you going on their own but together its just too much. Also once you start adding nutes flush the soil every couple weeks and then let them dry out for a few days. Not too dry :) Oh yea don't wont to forget about the heat. You don't ever want them getting over 90 If nothing else let a fan blow on them gently this should help cool them off a little on a too hot day. As a matter of fact its good to have a fan on them all the time. They love the moving air and it strengthens the stems. Hope some of this helps.


picked up Pots from a buddy of mine for Free last night... was asking him on phone how big they were and asked if bigger then 16" and he like alot bigger... well got his house after we rolled one up.. went looked at all pots and they LOT bigger then we were planning for. witch be great to grow in. But none the less we Have about 25 pots now.

hopefully selling somthing off craigslist tonight that way we can go pick up soil,perlite quicker...