First time grow :] how am I doin?


Active Member
I was just wondering if there was any advice y'all could give me. I have read through this forum a couple dozen times on all first time grows and stuff and was gonna take suggestions as to how I could get a good yield quickly. This is just bagseed, but I've ordered a few from and they should be arriving soon hopefully. The 2 plants that I attached are just dro seeds and i'm also germinating some AK seeds from my buddy. The seeds I ordered are White KC and I'll update more pictures later :] help would be appreciated greatly

-Asian Kev :hump:



Well-Known Member
what kind of lights are you using?
Keeping a fan blowing at the light will allow u to keep the plant extra close ;)


Active Member
This is the aerogarden aeroponic thingies. I'm using the lights the machine had on it, and i'm also using just a 8 inch fluorescent light thingie to supplement it. It's been like a week in, and i was worried it was kinda growing slow. What kinda nutes should i add to it? i'm thinking about transplanting it to a bigger aeroponic system later on, and buyin new lights (help with that too please:])

Also, i'm thinkin about getting/making a new hydro or aero system... any advice on that? like a hydro system i could buy or something. i work and go to school a lot, so i don't have too much time to take care of plants...

Thanks a lot for the help so far btw!!


Active Member
Actually, i do have a big question... The roots look kinda weird... The one with the pointy leaves (picture 1) has a little bundle of complicated looking roots and picture b with the rounded lookin leaves has a couple roots that come out the bottom, but has just one super long ass root that's like 8 inches long... which one is good? lol


Active Member
both of the roots that u have describe sound ok!!I probably would have to see a picture of them to tell u for sure!!If u think u have a root prob. then i recomend u going to like a lowes or a home depot and by Miracle Grow Root extend. thissolution is about 7 dollars and it makes ur roots thicker and makes it easyier for ur roots to absorb the nutes.this soulution will also make u r roots grow tremendously!!!If ur not already use nutes i suggest Miracle grow all purpose plant food if u dont have a lot of money to spend on nutes and shit. the two solutions that i just told u about not only work great but the are cheap as well!!i only recomend on usein these two things durin vegative stage.get a flowerin nute durin ur flowerin stage. I hope i helped! Keep meupdated on how its going!


Active Member
umm... i just bought an airstone air thingie setup for it... but i gotta Q. One of the plants isn't growing much at all (the second one with the round leaves). It's like tiny compared to the other one, which has humongous leaves and is short and really big. It's like a CD almost, i'll post pics once i get my camera to work again :[ also, the new leaves that came out are really light greenish, but all the earlier leaves are dark green, is that bad?
The first leaves (fake ones that come with a sprout) are turning brownish and look nasty also...


Active Member
This is an update on how these ladies is growin... the airstone has helped the root system quite a big i've noticed. 2 have died but i still got 2 of em' left :] i'm hopin at least one of them is a female... so i named them "Bertha" and "Miso" :mrgreen:

so.... y'all know if this is indica or sativa? cuz i think the lil' one is sativa, and the big'n is sativa. both are really short and stubby tho...

any help on how i could make this more likely to be female?



Active Member
The pic of the first plant roots looks awsome dude!!id u appy the same solution on the second pics. plant?All of them look good soo far!how old are they?


Active Member
It is roughly 10 days from sprout right now. I don't really know how good this aerogarden thing is so far though... It seems to me that growin organically from good soil indoors is better, but it might show something new to me later on in the grow. I've gotten up to a month on a plant before in soil, before i had to toss it (got scared cuz a lot of ppl saw it, and a known rat). I'm hoping that if i add a couple more CFLs or something it'll grow better, but the rate of growth is pretty decent. I don't think this aerogarden is worth the price though :[ I think i'm just gonna keep doin what I doin, and just add CFL's for more light. I'm doing a 17/7 cycle right now, is that alright? I think i read somewhere that this produces really good roots :] When's a good time for me to start flowering? not too much room, just wanna get a decent cola goin on and maybe a few baby nugs to go with it. i know it's still seedling though, i think


Well-Known Member
Well your plant might tripple in size from beginning to end in flowerings. Just depends on how big you want them.


Active Member
What's the earliest I can flower this bagseed stuff? i wanna start workin on the White KC stuff and this is only a lil' test grow thingie, so a humongous yield's not somethin i'm really lookin for lol. i think i might try and do the 8 42 watt CFL grow thingie that More Buds For Less talks about... looks neat-o and i got the CFL's already.

Plus with this aero garden thing, i don't wanna waste too much cash to fix it up and the lights only goes up to like 20 inches...


Well-Known Member

Im sorry man but you need to read. You need to use nutrients right away if you're using a bubbleponics/hydroponics setup. Your lights are good enough for probably the first week of growth.

There is NO way to tell whether its an indica or sativa this early in the growth. You admitted to not having much time to tend to your plants. You are in WAY over your head. You need to read the GROWFAQ and study it because you're running around with your eyes closed right now.