First time grow. Indoor low budget grow op.

Chris Cures

I'll see what I can do if it's really necessary to ease it's way into the sun I'll try to do the 2 hrs a day thing and gradually increase it if I can.
Question though, let's say I can get it out two hours a day for a couple days and then can't get it out for two days will that have a negative affect or cancel the previous days?


Well-Known Member
It won't hurt any short term exposure helps.
Try it for a few days then lengthen time.
Good growing with you.


Well-Known Member
You really think I need to harden? Are you saying that specifically for temperature change?

Also crazy how just a couple days makes a huge difference.
I never hardened off. I didnt just toss mine in the light but around the same stage as yours I brought them out at evening/ near dark and that was it. Now theyre out there and loving every bit of it. I have not noticed any transitional effects.
But that was also in the end of may. Its now colder at night and mornings and so you may have to do this hardening thing.
Just thought I would share some user exp with you.
Good luck

Chris Cures

Moved them outside on Sunday and got a late night transfer to the 3 gallons.

P.S. Next advice I'll need is figuring the sex out. I'm sure within the next week it will start to pre flower and I want to get any male as far away as possible as fast as possible.


Chris Cures

Well my plants have been outside for about two weeks now. They still have not shown any signs of flowering. Am I being impatient or maybe something is wrong. Also the original spot I had them in wasn't getting enough sun so they stretched a bit. I moved them and then of course one of the had the top eaten off by a deer. Hopefully I can still salvage soemtbkng from it.