first time grow looking for comments/tips

i have a 5ft tall locker 24x18" 2 clones medicine man which used to be called white rhino and sensi-man which is sensi-star and medicine man crossed. i have them under 13w t5 light putting out like 860 lumes i know its not enough but they are going crazy and i got some energy star reflective insulation from home depot for like 6 buck all together i have like 40 bucks invested but no budding light yet i was wondering what the smallest light for a good harvest would be. photo.jpgphoto (1).jpgphoto (2).jpgphoto (3).jpgphoto (1).jpgView attachment 2342353
Hey man! I'm new to growing as well so don't take my word as an "end all" but you need way more light indoors than just that florescent man. At a seedling stage its recommended you have two florescent bulbs each and you have but one for two mediumly mature plants.

Get them suckers more light :D Other than that they look happy as hell


Well-Known Member
You can buy a T5 24" 2 bulb with 6500K lamp for veg and 2700K or 3000K lamps for bloom and should be OK for those 2 plants.
ok i got new lights worked out well actually because it went from 860 lumens for both to 6400 lumens its 1600 per bulb 5000k im not sure if 5000k is good enough to veg i have read that it is ok but not the best but i think 3200 lumens of 5000k would be ok correct me if im wrong and does anyone know a good light to bud with for this little area do they make 2700k or 3000k bulbs like the ones i have set up just regular light bulbs thanks for the advicephotolight.jpg


Active Member
hi bro, have a look for a hid light, u can get as low as 70w hid. to get max out of ur plants 50w per square foot at least is needed. ive used cfls and had good results but when i changed to hid i wouldnt consider changing back, 6400k is bluespectrum light which promotes foliage (leaf growth) so is used for veg, red spectrum is used for flowering (budding)2700k. need anymore advise just ask.


Active Member
and those bulbs will work but will produce very poor results, the plant would bud even under blue lights but the lumens of thelight on the site u posted are extremly weak, if ur set on cfl try get another t5 ive seen good results off those. dont forget cfls need to be around 2 inches away from the tops of ur plants to be effective . peace


Well-Known Member
I use cfl for clone/early veg. Only tried to flower once for an experiment and never again.
I've heard some good things about those 70w hps.
I run a 250mh/hps on a 2x2 scrog screen and that works out good. Keeps me and the mrs going no worries, stealth, low cost electric and grows veggies for the garden/keeps my hobby (bonsai chilis) going in the winter.


Well-Known Member
yes youll need a ballast..but with the smaller wattages i usually see the ballast enclosed with the light in one big piece..i know you can get 150s and 250s like that..


Active Member
yes u will. honestly the performance that ul see with a hi compaired to what ur using u will be amazed at. u should get a couple of fans to limit heat in ur room also. hope ive helped. peaceout.


Well-Known Member
u would need more then 70 unless ur growing 1 plant :) just invest 130$ for a 400 watt cooltube kit it comes with the balist and everything i know they make a 150 watt hps it doesnt need a balast but no way to relly cool tube it. do what ever u want though i veg mine under 2 4 foot florecents and it works just fine man. then i flower under 1000 watt hps u dont need no special light for veg go to walmart and get u some 4 foot shop lights put 1 cool and 1 warm tube in each fixture. i learned this tecnique from a profesional grow (mr green) he has tones of videos online of how to grow the shop light work perfect for me but i alway lst my plants. good luck and happy growing bud :)


Well-Known Member
yes u will. honestly the performance that ul see with a hi compaired to what ur using u will be amazed at. u should get a couple of fans to limit heat in ur room also. hope ive helped. peaceout.
what do u mean by proformance and what is a hi? listen man some people on this web site dont even grow and the try and give advice or they have like 1 bag seed grow under their belt and they think they are pros all of a sudden u dont need ne kind of crazy lights for veg man performance depends on how good ur soil is how level ur ph is and that ur nuteing it porperly lights dont relly have a huge proformance factor untill ur flowering as long as its enought light to make the plant not strech u will be good. also dont take just ne ones advice check and see if they have some pics of their grows and check their post. the guy in my sig trys giveing advice to everyone he told this one dude to keep the male that it will still grow bud but it will produce seeds rofl. people like that u have to watch out for


Active Member
when i mentioned the performance difference between cfl and hid lighting i was speaking fro m my own experiance. i always ph before i add anything to my medium, i also flush at the end of every week. i personally from using 250w powerplant cfl per plant around 1 inch from the tops using 18/6 notice the most daily growth to be half an inch, when using 600w and 1000w hid the growth is crazy in comparison. im not knocking cfls as they have there place. just opt for more lumens or as many as u can budget as a surviving canabis plant and a thriving canabis plant are totally different. dont listen to aboves advise about not listening to ppl unless they have pics, some ppl prefer a little more anonymity or arnt able to post. if advise sounds reasonable to urself then go research it abit, we are all learning. peace and goodluck.


Active Member
u dont need ne kind of crazy lights for veg man performance depends on how good ur soil is how level ur ph is and that ur nuteing it porperly lights dont relly have a huge proformance factor untill ur flowering as long as its enought light to make the plant not strech u will be good.


Active Member
i tried quoting that guy, i tried to say after what a load of crap, i could use a 15w cfl for veg and not stretch a plant if i wanted but fuck itd be slow, foliage growth would also be minimal. go hid bro.
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some new pics i started the little lady there germinating like 9 days ago and put her in her toilet paper roll like 7 days ago shes doing great and the one of the left is doing exactly what i want her to but the one on the right is growing like a damn weed strait up in the air so i did some "fiming" and "super cropping" and they are obeying me now haha anyone know if the sell t5 bulbs in these kind of light sockets?
ok so i got a 600w cool tube and i got a fan from a local hydro store was used and almost free pushes a lot of air not sure exactly how much but the way i have it set up running its light cycle over night to keep cooler temps but the highest it got was 93 deg so i reconfigured the fan and now the highest it got was 87 deg last night here is some pics of them photo (9).jpgphoto (10).jpg